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cheapest flight glasgow - cyprus ?

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branchinghen | 22:04 Tue 04th Apr 2006 | Travel
6 Answers
what company would be cheapest to get a return flight ticket to larnaca (cyprus) from glasgow ? im going in the middle of may and do i need to agree on a return date when making the purchace ?


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Unless you go on a full service airline and pay full fare you will need to set a return date when you book. Most of the budget airlines sell singles only, so you could book two singles, leaving the second one until your return date is settled.

I think you may find your options limited; Cyprus is a medium-haul destination and outside the range of most budget airlines. Your best bet is a seat on a charter flight; First Choice fly from Glasgow and I've heard good reports of them - friends of mine use them fairly regularly. Cyprus Airways may be cheaper then you expect - I fly with them regularly from Birmingham, and they're usually cheaper than a charter, at least in the winter. As it's a 4� - 5 hour flight, though (a bit longer from Glasgow, of course), you're not going to find ultra-cheap seats.
(2-part post):

There are no direct scheduled flights from Glasgow to Larnaca.

The only flights are charters. Those operated by FlyThomasCook are on Wednesdays only (in both directions).

FlyThomasCook's own website suggests that all flights in May are already fully booked but SkyScanner seem to have access to an allocation. Single prices are �123.96 on 10/05 and �103.96 on 17/05.

There's no compulsion to book your return flight at the same time as your outbound trip but with only one flight per week, and with tickets going fast, you'd be well advised to do so:
AirTours also operate charters from Glasgow to Larnaca. These go out on Wednesdays and return during the early hours of Thursday mornings. The problem with these is that you have to specify either a one week or two week stay. (There are no single tickets and no provision for longer stays). As an example, the return flight, out on Wed 10/05 and back on Thurs 25/05 costs �159:

There are additional charter flights available from the Charter Flight Centre. Once again you have to specify a one week or two week stay (although there's one three week option available). Prices are from �139 return:

If these flights aren't suitable, you might want to consider flying to Paphos, rather than Larnaca. FlyGlobeSpan operate from Glasgow to Paphos on Tuesdays and Fridays. The single flights on 16/05 and 19/05 cost �99.99 and �79.99, respectively:

There don't seem to be any alternative flights to Larnaca from any other Scottish airport. (There are no flights listed on the Prestwick website. Edinburgh Airport's website says that EuroCypria fly to Larnaca but I think that these flights must have been discontinued as Edinburgh is not listed as adestination on EuroCypria's website).

Otherwise you'll have to change flights, either inthe UK or somewhere like Amsterdam. This, however, is likely to add to your costs.

Hoping something here helps,

You could always fly to one of the other UK airports to connect with a scheduled carrier; Flybe runs a regular service to Birmingham, and I'm sure there are other low-cost otions to Gatwick, Luton, Manchester or wherever. For the record, I've just (a couple of weeks ago) come back from Paphos with Cyprus Airways at �160 return from BHX.
"low-cost options"!

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