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Small claims court holiday disaster

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scotty | 12:37 Tue 17th Jan 2006 | Travel
3 Answers

Following an awful holiday last year, and having written far too many letters of complaint to try to solve the situation regarding compensation , we have decided to take the company to the small claims court. Has anyone done this and if so , do they have any tips to help us. Many thanks in advance



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are they members of abta etc - might be better asking for their advice first
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They are members of abta and i have been in touch with them. I have the option of using their arbitration service but to be honest i am not too confident with them. I sent them copies of all the paperwork , which they lost , then found and then replied to me 7 weeks later , saying i could do either !! It doesn't instill much confidence, really.
see if watchdog on the bbc has got any compaints about them, they may take up your case. the publicity scares these bullies.

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