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Sunniest Place In The Uk To Live?

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bluefortress | 22:46 Sat 27th Jan 2024 | Travel
43 Answers

This will sound naive but in where is the sunniest place in the UK to live? I know it has got to be somewhere down south but it it even that sunny really? 

I want to move, 

and need sun



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When I were but a nipper, Clacton-on-Sea and Felixstowe used to rejoice in the fact that each year one or the other would be recorded as the sunniest place in the UK.  (i.e. it was East Anglia, rather than the South Coast, where one should head for the best chance of some sunshine).

Things seem to have changed a bit since then though:

any idea why that changed, Buenchico? I can well believe temperatures are changing, but  is there something bringing more/less cloud cover?

It'll all come out in The Wash.

it could be the EUSSR deliberately sending cloud our way to punish us

Sunny Hayling Island is a contender I would have thought.

Bluefortress, what about the weather in the winter?

Living on the coast is fine in the summer, but when it comes to snow and storms, they are the ones that get hit the worst.

Ah, you've never visited Dalwhinnie and points north then.

No Doug, I've never been to Scotland and have no plans to.

Statistically Eastbourne, Bexhill on Sea or Hastings.

Actually Cromer had the reputation of being the sunniest and the  dryist.    The South West is the warmest and wettest.  

Eastbourne is the sunniest place in the UK with an average of 8 hours of sunshine a day in June, and Bognor Regis is only a little way behind with 7.7 hours of sunshine.

That  coastline was the Coastline of my childhood, Red.  Lots of relatives lived in that area.  I haven't been back for years.  Far too crowded now.  

“…any idea why that changed, Buenchico?”

Brexit, obviously. Would never have happened if we’d remained in the EU. Everybody was warned, but they were lied to by Boris Johnson.

“Living on the coast is fine in the summer, but when it comes to snow and storms, they are the ones that get hit the worst.”

It’s not particularly fine in the summer, especially in the more popular places. Where my brother-in-law lives, he can’t go out in the summer because everywhere is heaving with Grockles and in the winter everywhere is like the village of the damned, with the pubs and restaurants only opening three or four days a week.

My sister lives on the coast in north Norfolk. If you are lucky there may be a few days where you can go out in the summer without a jumper. In the winter you might as well hibernate. When she moved in, they had to turn the moving van round because the wind coming off the sea was blowing the moving bods back into the van as they were trying to carry the furniture out.

Nobody should live within ten miles of the coast in the UK. It's just not nice. It should be like Death Valley in the USA: nice to have a look at from the comfort of a vehicle but no place to live.

my parents live near the coast in north norfolk too... newjudge is absolutely right. going to visit is a pain and there is absolutely nothing to do. 

Wick, Orkney and Shetland during the summer months as it's nearly light 24 hours a day. Wick used to have a midsummer night's golf competition - don't know whether it is still going.

Obviously move South during winter!

Alicante if you want a European sun-zone - an average of 349 hours a month.


the uk is not the sunniest place but if i wanted sun i would stick to the south... doubt it makes a huge difference where exactly

🤣 22 42🤣 Nice  one Hymie🤣 ..keep them coming🤣 lol🤣

Weather in Devon is often sunny and warm.  Only taken you 2 weeks to come up with that one gulliver.

Whilst maybennot top of the league table here we have a micro climate so its very mild here. (which I think is what Prudie was alluding to).  Snow is unheard of unless you consider a slight smattering that goes in 24 hours.

We also have 4 tides here too thanks to the IoW and sandy beaches not pebbles.

But not telling you where we are as its crowd3ed enough these days. 😁

Dundee is Scotland's sunniest city, with an average of 1,523 hours of sunshine per year. The long daylight hours means that you could play a round of golf in the middle of the night on Orkney and Shetland.

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