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DVD to WMV etc converterter

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timberup | 16:13 Wed 09th Feb 2011 | Technology
5 Answers
I lost all my HD and videos about a month ago due to a virus which meant my HD was wiped and O/S re-installed after format. I did have a great free converter but have forgotten which one it was. Recently I've tried downloading some and there always seems to be a catch. Either its a restricted conversion where you can convert 10 minutes of your DVD before you have to buy or you have to download something else like Microsoft Framework 4 which i'm quite sceptical about. Has anyone any good suggestions as i'd like to get my DVD's on the pc to edit and add some audio etc. Thanks


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The freeware program SUPER is excellent and can convert most video and audio files to other formats.
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TTG, thanks but is that not an Audio converter rather than visual

TMPGenc 4XPress is king .. but you have to pay (officially)
I put my recorded DVDs on the comp and then edit, etc using "Avidemux2" and "Format Factory", both FREE programs. (GOOGLE for them).
I usually convert the original VOB files to MPG format as you can then store much more on a DVD. The MPG files can always be converted back to VOB files later if required.

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DVD to WMV etc converterter

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