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Making a copy of a language disc...

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sandyRoe | 14:13 Mon 19th Jul 2010 | Technology
8 Answers
I have a Rosetta Stone language disc which I've promised to lend to a niece. Anything lent has a habit of getting lost in our family. Is it possible for me to make a copy of this disc?


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isn´t this breaching the copyrite?
Question Author
Errr...yes. I suppose it is.
So, how do I go about breaching the copyright?
Irrespective of whether you can do this technically, are you absolutely certain that you are permitted to lend the application to other people? I have several language courses on CD (not Rosetta Stone) and all of them expressly forbid this in their licence agreement...
Question Author
What they don't know won't hurt them. Can it be done, or no?
You can make a copy for your car that inadvertently finds it's way to your neice :)

What cd burning program do you use?
Question Author
I'm a bit of a novice as far as copying stuff is concerned. I just use Real Player. If someone, other than myself, had the knowledge could it be done?
Open the CD at my computer. Either right click 'copy to CD' or create a new folder & drag the CD files into it. Copy the new files (not the folder) to a blank CD

6y olds are v. good on PCs :)
Rosetta Stone employ a pretty powerful copy protections system. Tambo's advice won't work. Even most of the cracks that claim to work on Rosetta Stone, don't.

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Making a copy of a language disc...

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