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Kodak 5300aio printer

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beeseejay | 17:21 Tue 07th Oct 2008 | Technology
3 Answers
Prints of text are coming out uneven i.e. a few good lines and others varying in different degrees of light/dark. The ink cartridge is new. On photo paper it printed ok. I suspect the paper quality but other half says not. Any suggestions welcome. Many thanks


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the easiest proof of this pudding is to try another sheet of paper

paper is doped to stop it soaking up the ink (blotting paper is just undoped paper)

the stuff is sprayed on - it only needs a blocked or misdirected jet to end up with blotting paper or waterproof paper (ok for pen and pencil - but not inkjets)
Always first thing to do when this happens is to do a head clean from the printer status menu.
You may need to do it a couple of times.
Question Author
Thanks folks. Other half said that she had done a printhead clean. I've just changed the paper preference. Alot better now.

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Kodak 5300aio printer

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