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bt phone

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homerbart | 11:03 Thu 13th Dec 2007 | Technology
4 Answers
Hi there - Can anybody help me. In October I changed from BT phone to Talk Talk and because I am deaf I have flashing lights to alert me to the phone. One up the stairs and down. Also I enjoy and really want caller display on my phone. Unfortunately Talk Talk is not up to the scratch of BT. Sometimes I get Caller Display sometimes I dont, sometimes the flashing lights work sometimes they dont - sometimes the flashing lights go off intermittently and nobody is on the phone - system is completely unpredictable. I do understand that I maybe have too many RENs running from the phones but BT were able to cope with them. However after a number of emails to Talk Talk and phone calls from my neighbour (cos I cant hear) Talk Talk keep saying it is fixed but of course it is not.

Can anybody tell me if it is true that Talk Talk are weak (though their costs are low) and advise me if I should go back to BT - please give me good advice - would appreciate it indeed. Ta in advance.


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Generally all providers of phone services (except cable providers) use BT's line equipment .... however .... the ringing and caller ID signal is part of TT's setup .... so if there equipment isn't putting out the correct signal or voltage .....

the biggest difference is BT has engineers everywhere whereas the small operators may not have a guy within 50 miles of you ....

I'm not implying that talk talk do this .... but some operators will ignore the first 2 or 3 reports (if the fault requires an engineer to visit) as most "missed calls" or intermittent facility faults clear themselves - or are due to the far end.
(how else can they keep costs down?)

I personally have stuck with BT and .... while it hasn't been trouble free .... Friends have had far far worse experiences elsewhere.

You should start by getting your line checked (again??)
and then it's tough love .... low bills ....or .... better service??
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thanks Acthe Troll - it was a good answer - but I forgot to mention I am on Talk Talk Broadband as well and if I leave them they will charge me �75 and maybe BT will charge me for joining again. Also will have to do without Broadband for 2-3 weeks because BT will have to send a new disc to log back on again. The whole hassle of that is worrying.
life's a *******

this is the problem .... wherever you go ......
But in your case it's not just an inconvenience.

I suppose best you can do is stick with it .... or else
you could look ot the oftel site .... raise a complaint with them .... play on your needs - try to shame the bas***ds.

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Hi Acthe Troll - I have just received an email from Talk Talk regarding my Caller Display. They say they are experiencing a network problem regarding Caller Display and could not give me a specific date of when it would be fixed - havent said that they hoped it would be resolved in the New Year.

Do you think they are genuine in that there is a problem or are they fobbing me off. What is your opinion.

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