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Using Word

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Katiebee | 21:53 Sat 05th Jun 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
When using Word, I often use the 'home' key to take me to the beginning of a line. However, these last few days it hasn't worked. Have I somehow disabled it? Does anyone have any idea how I can get it working again, please? Ta.


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You could have mistakenly changed a "shortcut key" definition, so to begin with try this to restore the shortcut keys to their original settings.
  • On the Tools menu, click Customise.
  • Click Keyboard.
  • In the Save changes in box, click the current document name or template
  • Click Reset All.
Note Reset All removes your custom shortcut key assignments and restores the original Microsoft Word shortcut key assignments in the selected template or document.
I just had another thought. Does the Home key work in other applications, e.g. Excel or Wordpad? if not then I would suspect a faulty keyboard or keyboard driver setting. If the no Home Key problem is confined to Word then you will need to investigate just that application. Are there any other keys that have stopped working? Does the key work if you load a document that you haven't opened or edited for ages? If so then suspect the current "" template and replace it with a known good one or create a new one. See the Help for details on how to do this.

If this is not the problem the simplest other way to get round this would be to remove Microsoft Office completely (using Control Panel - Add & Remove Programmes) after taking backups of all your important documents, and then reinstalling the whole package. I know this sounds drastic, but if it definitely is only confined to Office applications or one of them, it is a more straightforward solution that trying to unravel everything one piece at a time.
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Thanks for your help Hippy. I've a feeling it's only in Word that the home key doesn't work but it's on my works PC, so when I'm next in I'll check out your suggestions. Thanks again!
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Hi Hippy. Just an up-date in case you come back to the Q. The home button works fine in Excel and Outlook, but still not in older 'good' documents. The other thing I've noticed that's stopped working is when I highlight a block of work, hit control and delete to delete the whole block, and all that happens is the first word disappears. In the bar along the bottom of the screen, above the task bar, I get a comment 'Delete whole block? No(Yes)' but can't seem to access that to say 'yes'! It's all very frustrating!

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