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Buying a Scanner

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loverboy | 10:03 Tue 11th Nov 2003 | Technology
3 Answers
I am in the process of purchasing a scanner for my P.C. Could anyone enlighten me as to what I should look out for when considering the model and make of scanner regarding its features etc. I would probably have a budget of about �80-�100.Thanks for any suggestions they will be most gratefully appreciated.


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It really depends what you need the scanner for. I've recently bought a CanoScan3000F and it meets my needs perfectly for �69. I wanted one with a facility for negatives, slides and good software for editing ( and most important easy to understand!) as well as an excellent copier for CV's etc.

Have a look at as many online reviews as possible to narrow it down a bit. Do you have a Jessops anywhere near you as their assistants know their stuff and this is where everything I needed to know was finally answered.

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Cheers Cetti I will have a good browse through some reviews. There are a few Jessops near me so I will bear that in mind.
I've bought two scanners in my life time, both for around the �70 mark, and they have both far exceeded my needs. Capable of scanning at resolutions far greater than I have ever needed to use. Unless, you are a professional photographer/graphic designer, I would just go for a name you have heard of and you should be fine.

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