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IE 7 problem

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stevie m | 01:45 Fri 13th Oct 2006 | Technology
3 Answers
just started using IE7 but quite regularly it just refuses to find web pages where just a few moments ago it was running ok. Have run virus and spyware checks, all clear. Anyone else suffered similar probs and found cure please.


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Try swapping to Mozilla Firefox - so much better than IE.
Why are you even using IE7? It's still beta software, so there's every chance it won't work properly, and it's still not as good as Firefox in just about any way.
As fo3nix said, it's still in beta release. Any problems should be reported to MS, but I suspect it's your connection that is the problem (DNS error, flaky wireless connection, dodgy ISP, just upgraded to 8Mb?).

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