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App On Email

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Hazlinny | 11:49 Sat 07th Feb 2015 | Technology
5 Answers
I received an e-mail .. when I opened it, it said APP but I was unable to open it.
Any suggestions?


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Is the email from someone you trust? were you expecting it?
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Thank you for answering my query. Email came from a friend who later told me all the addresses in her email book had received similar - she HAD NOT SENT them! Glad I couldn't open it!
I shall be interested to see what further methyl has to say on this matter.

In the meantime I am thinking that your friend has picked-up a 'nasty' and in addition to running a full Anti Virus Scan should also do a Scan with Malwarebytes. You should also do likewise in case the unopened mail did leave something behind without any indication to you.

The free edition of Malwarebytes can be downloaded and run from the following official site :-

Make sure that you Do Not accept a trial of the Premium Edition or anything else which is on offer.

Question Author
Thank you Hans for the further information - I will pass on to my friend.

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App On Email

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