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Connemmara | 14:37 Fri 27th Sep 2013 | Technology
11 Answers
took off AVG anti virus and downloaded MSE - of course have just logged on and MSE is telling that the anti-virus is off - looked at the page and I think (without going of this site) Firewall was ON and something else but anti-virus was off- I don't know how to turn it on. Can somebody help. Thanks I did click onto it hoping I could change from OFF to ON but that didn't work.


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MSE sometimes throws up warnings saying that protection is turned off, even when it's on. (That typically happens when you first start your computer).

Take a look at the MSE icon next to the clock, at the bottom right of your screen. (It looks like a house flying a flag to me). If it's green then everything's OK anyway. If it's red click on it, and then on 'Open', to see if there's an option to turn it on.
Have you just downloaded the MSE installation file which now needs to be Run to actually install the programme.? If that is the case then look in your 'Downloads' folder and open the file to Run.

Furthermore did you completely remove AVG from your computer before any attempt at installing MSE.? Most important to completely remove AVG.

Turning off Windows Firewall is Not, in my opinion, really necessary.

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thanks buenchico - did that and it is telling me it is ON and protected - but there is another like a little suit of armour with an x on it and it tells me it is not protected. again when I open this FIREWALL AND UPDATES are on but VIRUS is off - should I worry or is that it - thanks again.
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yes Alston - took off AVG completely and then run the MSE programme.
Have you got a short cut icon on your desktop. (Small blue castle flying a flag) ? Click it and you will be able to see if it's all set-up to scan.

You can also click start button and locate MSE in listed programmes.

I wish I knew what the suit of armour means.

The red shield with a white cross is part of Windows, not of MSE. (i.e. it's something which is on your computer irrespective of which antivirus program you choose to use).

You've no need to worry. The green symbol, with the white tick, tells you that MSE is working properly. It's simply not 'reported in' to Windows to let it know that, which is why you've got the red shield there.
Microsoft has announced that MSE will have only baseline coverage from now on and recommend use a third party antivirus program eg. Avast free . They have stated that they will continue their monitoring but will pass their findings on to the main antivirus vendors for them to develop fixes for the infections. This comes as MSE has not passed antivirus tests in the past months.
Good morning galeck....Very interesting. From where did you get the information about MSE.? Is there anywhere on the Net from where I can get more details.?


link please?
Cheers Chris....Thanks for the link. I still think that Home PC users do not really need anything more than MSE as their AV protection programme. However, they do need to take care of what they download from Internet sites. Often they have brought problems upon themselves from visiting somewhat 'shady sites'.

Meanwhile, I am happy to know that MSE still ranks amongst the best of free AV programmes.:-


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