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Printing Out Posters

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Ann | 15:54 Wed 20th Mar 2013 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi - am hoping someone can advise me please.

I have prepared an A4 poster in Microsoft Word for an event and have added a nice red border around the edge. When I go to print it I get the message "The page borders of Section 1 are set outside the printable area of the page. Do you wish to continue?"
If I say Yes the poster prints out with the border missing along the bottom edge. I have tried amending the margins in "page set up" but it still says the same thing. Help! what am I doing wrong please?


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Under your printer options, is there an option saying "Fit to page" or something similar?
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Thanks Chrisgel - I can't see that as an option but I have managed to fit a border around the text which takes up most of the A4 sheet anyway, it just looked better with a border around the edge.

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Printing Out Posters

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