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Buying a new Desktop PC

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lindylou16 | 20:52 Thu 25th Mar 2010 | Computers
3 Answers
Hello When i buy a PC, can i load my Genuine microsoft Windows on to it if there is no operating system on it or will i have to buy another CD.


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It all depends... if you get a popular brand comp it is sometimes near impossible to load a generic Windows copy on it. Although these usually come with an operating system installed and an opportunity to make a copy (once).

If you know someone who can install part (the kid two doors down?) and you're happy with your Windows OS and the desktop box, why not just upgrade the parts. A new motherboard, CPU and RAM is a lot cheaper than a made up comp. You can do a deal that you might get a new harddrive for half price etc.
Make sure the new motherboard is compatible with your Windows version, it should say so on the box.
You can reload Windows on a new computer if it is a full version. An OEM licence (probably what came with your old computer) is not transferable.

An OEM licence will not be valid for a computer with different hardware. You cannot just keep the case and power supply and expect Microsoft to accept it is the same computer being reloaded.

Windows will install on anything if you have the drivers for the hardware. Windows that won't install on other computers is when it is from a disk designed for a particular machine. Often the case in OEM versions.

A made up computer is a better deal. Putting together one from parts will have no warranty. It is not a sensible option for someone who needs to ask here. Those that can do it don't have to ask.

Just get a new computer with Windows 7 already installed and save yourself a lot of greif.
Sorry if I put you wrong lindylou. I naturally assumed that as you stated you had genuine microsoft windows... or would have to buy another CD..... that you already had a Windows CD which you had bought for your present computer.

If you were planning to buy a new computer all along, don't let me talk you out of it. I was just trying to save you some money.
btw parts also come with a warranty provided they are installed properly.

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Buying a new Desktop PC

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