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Computer restarts for no reason..?

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alavahalf | 20:13 Tue 29th Dec 2009 | Computers
42 Answers
Recently due to the festive break, I have spent more time online than normal... have'nt we all..?.
I am just browsing around and then all of a sudden my system just shuts down and then re-starts on it's own.It has done this at least three times a day, for the past week.
It carries on to restart itself and seems to run on as normal. It's a bit annoying.

The case, heatsink and fans are dust free.


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have you checked for virus's?
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My brother recently had this problem and took his puter to the repair shop. They said the power button was mal-functioning and changed it. He said it's working fine now. I thought he'd caught viruses and such...
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I use ESET nod32 for my virus protection, it updates automatically everytime I start up. It has done a complete system scan and reports no viruses

My microsoft updates also notify me when they are available... with a pop up from the bottom right of the toolbar.

The power button is pretty definite ... my system is a Fujitsu Siemens and is built like a BMW.
well it surely is not running like a BMW! :-)
Hi, do you get any white text on blue background before the system shuts down? is there any definate pattern to the shutdowns? (after x minutes or something?)
there is a file in windows that should log these occurences but I've forgotten what it's called.
(*.log but there will be several )
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I was just about to answer the last question and it shut down again...that's the third time today.
No I get no warning. Sometimes its twice in an it's been three times in around six hours.
I have had blue text on a white background a few times recently...but the screens gone before you can start to read it..!
When it restarts I sometimes get a message saying..Your system has recovered from a serious you want to report it.
There seems to be no pattern to the shutdown....I did check.. Time control panel.
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Power options...not time management...Sorry.!
you may have a corrupted windows file, I would personally do a file and settings transfer onto a dvd while in safe mode, then reinstall windows, transferring your files and settings back afterwards.

if it carries on it could be a hardware problem like a memory stick going down
Hoovered it at all? My vents got blocked years ago and it shut down cos of that.
Cazzy - if the corrupted files are transferred back to the computer after re-installation of Windows, won't the problems start all over again?
no the corrupted file is in a secret directory in the C:/, they will not be part of the files and settings transfer
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ok then, thanks!
overheating can cause it to close down but it normally gives a warning prior

and he also did say

"The case, heatsink and fans are dust free." Im assuming the fan is spinning as its not overheating :)
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It's all hoovered I dont thik it's overheating.

Now a corrupted file sounds do I do a file and settings transfer etc....I do have two hard drives and the slave drive is about 85% free...I've also got a RW-DVD to hand.

I think something is missing because sometimes images have a red cross in the corner, and can't be viewed.
if you put your windows dvd in it will give you a "file and settings transfer options" alternativly I prefer to boot up using F8 and safe mode and then do the file and settings transfer as the safe mode should prevent the computer shutting down while it is creating the file

that is presuming you are on windows xp, if you are on vista its called "windows easy transfer" under help

you can save your files and settings to your other drive
make sure you only back up your c drive and not your slave drive
Cazzy, you're one intelligent cookie; I have great respect and admiration for you.
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On windows XP home...I have only got the restore disk... it came with the system when new. I have used it in the past, but only to do a fresh install.

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Computer restarts for no reason..?

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