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Typing on a laptop

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textmum | 22:43 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Computers
3 Answers
When I type on my laptop I sometimes well fairly frequently - find that the text I am typing jumps to another line higher up the page. This happens on emails, word docs etc. Does anyone know why this happens, am I accidently hitting a specific key that causes this to happen?


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are you using a mouse, or a "touch pad"?

My laptop did this until I got the IT boffins to disable the pad & give me a mouse.
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I am using a touch pad
textmum, you've answered your own question. Touchpads are notoriously flaky; it may be flexing as you pound the keys, or perhaps you are accidentally brushing against it as you type.
Best answer is to disable it and plug a mouse in - they are also a lot easier to use!

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Typing on a laptop

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