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So, He's Gone For It.

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Canary42 | 12:42 Tue 29th Jan 2019 | Sport
11 Answers
Murray has had the operation (hip re-surfacing).

Brave lad - let's hope it works out fine and we see him back on the courts.


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I don't think he would be back. He's done blooming smashing. He's proven he has what ever it takes. He shouldn't comprise his quality of life now.

Take it easy andy.
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He could form an unbeatable doubles team with his brother - emulate legendary Bob Bryan who had the same operation and competed in the doubles at 40 with his brother.

Good luck Andy, confound all the haters who swamp cyberspace [not aimed at you spath]
I'm sure he could, but I don't think he would want to return that way. Maybe he'll change his mind if he judges singles to be too demanding on his body but still has the desire to play, but at the moment I think Andy's been fairly clear that it's a return to Singles tennis that he wants, if he can achieve it.
Good luck Andy, hope it works out well
I wish him a speedy recovery. At least now he should be pain-free.
And a speedy recovery from me. I miss him on the courts!!
Speedy recovery Andy - you are missed.
I hope he can come back. I don't think doubles would do it for him though, and Jamie already has a successful partnership with Bruno Soares.
Whatever the tennis future, pain free will be a bonus. Good luck to him .
I couldnt get one - resurfacing
I had to wait for a complete hip replacement
I said I would pay ( very successful one ten years ago) and they said no one in Alphaville would do it ....

20% failure rate at 10 y - oo-er mrs !

I was surprised at the choice of the operation
PP, hip resurfacing more suitable for younger people, older ones get the full replacement.

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