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Where Does God Get His Morals From?

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nailit | 18:21 Wed 29th Jun 2022 | Religion & Spirituality
207 Answers
Had a conversation recently with a ''born again'' type
(First conversation with a real life religionist in a while tbh....)

Thankfully only lasted a few minutes (felt like hours...but theres always one)
The usual subject of morals come from.
Atheists have no morals apparently. Or at least no OBJECTIVE morals without God.
I asked whose God?
Allah? Jehovah? Christ? Dionysius? etc.

I then asked where does God (In whatever way you view him/it/her) get THEIR morals from?
Conversation then petered out. (I was late for work anyway so no great loss)
I was in no way provoking an arguement, simply following through a logical discussion with a

If humans need God's guidence to be moral, then where does God get his guidence from?



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We've made god so his morality comes from us. A bigot will believe in a bigoted god and a liberal will project his own liberal views on the god he believes in.
19:06 Fri 01st Jul 2022
Khandro - // No sarcasm intended, it's simply that - as he well knows - I'm usually diametrically opposed to most of his pronouncements, but I'm not this time.//

If you agree with my statement, do you concede that morality, like religion, is man-made?

That would be a first!!!
Andy H 10.34 - andy as socio-anthropologist - well done
I think Raymond Dart ( famous anthropologist) might have said that in 1930. The old ideas are the best

You couldnt have the Crusaders massacring the Muslim ( er liberators) unless it were before the age of chivalry - interesting thought.

PP, quick! Look at latest posts. I've just posted again. If you hurry you'll spot it.
seven universal (moral) rules comes up here
god bless google Naomi,are%20many%20types%20of%20morality.

They used a more scientific approach - select 60 cultures and draw common conclusions

( "smily smiley foo foo" seems to be formulaic end phrase(*) this morning. I am only drawing conclusions from the last 60 posts)
(*) = standard AB gormless terminator

[Oh and whilst I am it - Raymond Dart's Mrs Ples ( aust.africanus) has just had a million y added to her]

ta-ta suckers !
//god bless google Naomi //

Indeed, PP. It's your best friend.
Sozza Naomi - too busy trumpeting Raymond Dart's anthropological triumphs. (smiley)

oops just thought - 60 cultures have 7 principles in common
but does that mean they are moral?
or just rules for survival?

so that the other died-out cultures may have had 6 which means they fared worse - but purely on a Darwinian basis not on a moral basis

sozza Naomi - you were "saying"?
//sozza Naomi - you were "saying"? //

Not at all ... you carry on.
Question Author
" //nailit, //I also think that having people stoned to death for
collecting firewood on a saturday is immoral//
Yes, that is intrinsically bad, but what has that to do with God? "

Cause its in your freakin Bible that you keep banging on about and allegedly ''absorbed'' according to another post.
Though you never bothered to respond as to why you never bothered to ''absorb'' the Book of Mormon or Science and Health with Key to the scriptures while you were at it.
Or the Hindu Vedas or Bhagavad Gita or a
Karl Marx's Das Kapital
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I hear that cherry pickers are in short supply.
Khandro has a cv waiting...
A lot of big words in there nailit, you'll be citing the Diamond Sutra & The Tibetan Book of the Dead next.
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I'm familiar with both both of those works thank you Khandro.
Are you familiar with the book of Mormon
and the Guru Granth Sahib and have you 'assimilated' them?
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//A lot of big words in there nailit,//
Sorry Khandro, what big words were they then?
Copy & paste them and I wil try to explain them to you...
If I have enough crayons
nailit: My eyebrows raised when you recently told us that you had read William James', 'The Varieties of Religious Experience', (a very big read!) but I learn now that you also, "are familiar" with the Buddhist, Diamond Sutra, ( I personally know a group who have met once a week for several years to study just that) & you are also "familiar" with The Tibetan Book of the Dead, plus The Book of Mormon, Hindu Vedas or Bhagavad Gita. I can't remember whether you are "familiar" with the Upanishads, but probably.

However, for all this study you have undertaken all you ever do is bleat on excoriating, from what I see as a very naïve viewpoint, the dismissal of all religion based on the Old Testament of the bible, which isn't even the bedrock of the true Christianity which you seem to despise.
Christianity has been prevalent in England for the best part of 1,500 years. Nailit may like to have a guess of how many people have been stoned to death in England for collecting firewood on a Saturday during that time.
Maybe ask yourself 2 questions:
Who was the Old Testament law given to?
Did the New Covenant have any ameliorating effect on the Old Testament law?
Two, (three actually) good questions !
The New Covenant was necessary for the new religion - but it’s conveniently manufactured twaddle.
I thought you were better than that, I'm afraid Mark Twain comes into play AGAIN naomi ; “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”
// The New Covenant was necessary for the new religion - but it’s conveniently manufactured twaddle.//

no it wasnt - First council ( of Jerusalem that is 60 of thereabouts) decided whether they were a sect of Jews or a new religion

so the new covenant....
But hey this is AB, so all views are welcomed, even obvious inconsistent rubbish
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//Nailit may like to have a guess of how many people have been stoned to death in England for collecting firewood on a Saturday during that time//
My guess would be probably none.
To busy burning old people as witches etc to notice a little detail like that.
(Remind my again how many were burnt, hung, tortured etc?)

//Christianity has been prevalent in England for the best part of 1,500 years.//
And during the middle ages, it was know as 'The Burning Times'.
Why was that?

//Who was the Old Testament law given to?//
The Jews.
Should Jews be the only race to be allowed to execute their own by Mosaic stoning to death?

//Did the New Covenant have any ameliorating effect on the Old Testament law? //
Put that in English and I might reply....

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Bible believers least.....
understand where Their morals come from.

And they aint from the Bible.
(Or from Buddhism)
Or any other faith or belief system.

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