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Do You Know The Truth That Will Set You Free? Free From What?—John 8:32.

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goodlife | 12:31 Fri 15th May 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
123 Answers
Today many people are unhappy, and millions of others are unemployed. But on the other hand, millions are finding encouragement from the Bible.


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And the thousands of Christian denominations around the world would say neither of us has a true understanding of what the Bible says, goodlife, so where does that leave you? You’re right and they’re all wrong? Need I ask?
goodlife - // Naomi@ you believe what you want,but that why you have no true understanding what the Bible says. //

Making sweeping statements is something you do frequently - it goes with being a fervent Christian it seems, but just because you make a statement does not make it true.

You have no idea how deep, or indeed how shallow naomi's understanding of the bible is, and it is wrong of you to assume that you do, and pronounce accordingly.

As regular posters will know, I am not at all keen when naomi does that to me, and in the interests of consistency. I am equally not keen to see it done to her, or anyone else.
Thank you, AH, but I can’t recall saying that you misunderstand the bible. You need to know it to misunderstand it. Since I am willing to address any question Goodlife cares to put to me I really don’t mind him telling me I misunderstand the bible. He might learn something in the process.
I think we are all looking for truth. Jesus made the astonishing claim that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Millions of Christians, myself including, will attest He was right.
If you happen to disagree it is at least worth investigating
It would be interesting to !earn what evidence would convince atheists they are wrong?
The whole of creation, and consciousness doesn't do it, so what would?
They have heard of Gods plan, and rejected it.
Their problem now.
Time is running out for is all.
Whether we have fifty days left, or fifty years, it doesn't matter, one day we will all have to give an account to God.
Atheists can comfort themselves with their naturalistic material world view but believing it does not make it so.
Theland, 'the whole of creation, and consciousness doesn't do it [constitute evidence] so what would?' sounds great - but as you should know, you've never yet produced evidence of that, it's merely your belief. It can be a deeply held belief and I think you're sincere about it, but it is many miles away from being 'proof'.
//Time is running out for is all..….one day we will all have to give an account to God……//

There, you see, Theland, you make unfounded statements but as you say…..

//…..believing it does not make it so.//

//Atheists can comfort themselves with their naturalistic material world view//

Atheists don’t comfort themselves with anything. They accept that as with everything in nature they live - they die. That’s life.
Never - The evidence is all around us.
Science points to God.
One wonders why atheists bother to post, if their only motive is to attack the faith of believers.
//Science points to God.//

No it doesn’t, Theland. And who or what is this God anyway? Why is that God so different from the many other creator Gods that pepper religion and mythology? It could have been any of them, couldn’t it - or none of them - possibly even one that none of us has ever heard of. And why would we? We inhabit an insignificant speck of dust floating in an unimaginably vast universe - and we claim (at least some of us do) that we know all about it. How arrogant man is.
I’m not an atheist, because that to me suggests an understanding and subsequent rejection. My non-belief, I believe, is more basic - I just simply don’t because I find the premise of there being a higher being to completely absurd.

You ask for what proof I’d need. The same level of proof of other things that don’t exist, such as leprechauns, ghosts, fairies and trolls - I’d have to see them. I accept that’s pretty simplistic, but nonetheless for me that is the level of proof I need.

I’ve seen it posted on this site of what proof is there that god doesn’t exist. If there is an onus on providing proof, it’s not on those of us who don’t believe, but rather it’s on those who do believe.

And there is not a single jot of proof that there is a god.
Deskdiary - We go around in circles here dont we?
Why not just look at the incredible universe and agree it bad a cause.
Whatever that Cause was, is God, and the universe is the evidence.
Look at life from inert chemicals. That too is evidence.
Science, with all!of it's computers and PhD's cannot make life.
//It would be interesting to !earn what evidence would convince atheists they are wrong?//
Any evidence that directed us to a God would be a start.
Asking a question (ie, where did the universe come from?) is not evidence. Thats a question..
Present some EVIDENCE then a conversation can ensue.
Theland, you're reverting to your default setting -no matter how many times you say it, 'the evidence is all around us', is simply not true in itself. Your point about people posting 'only to attack believers' is another oft-used tactic - it has never been true yet.
//You are a really all a sick lot, but I say to you all know one day, when it will be too late. //

Look at it this way goodlife; without us sinners, you believers wouldn't be anything special. The best thing would be to just leave us to our fate.
Its Not a choice of gods.

The Creator of the universe. One creator. That's it.
// You have no idea how deep, or indeed how shallow Miss X 's understanding of the bible is, //

Miss X - no name no names ! - anonymity must be preserved even at the expense er of hilarity or something
We know what her views are as she posts fully interestingly and differently on the subjects

taking you Andie as a subject - we know that for example you are not at all likely to be appointed a cardinal archbishop in the Roman Church withing say three months - or ever !
( no not even cd be - they dont take married cardinals)

so let us have no more of this:
we dont know what people think
we do
they tell us

tomus: hear, hear!!
Indeed man is arrogant.
Perhaps Theland is arrogant like all men. But I suspect that he thinks he is humble and that only God is arrogant. Theland; what if God is a woman; and that she is not bossy and not demanding of worship?
// without us sinners, you believers wouldn't be anything special. The best thing would be to just leave us to our fate.//

oh dear it is this sort of stuff that makes one believe the dictum
those who say the bible is crap should perhaps read a bit of it first

Jn Ch 1 -4 has virtually nothing about sin - it is all abart John ( Jo jo to his frenz) baptising
you know the jaw jaw like
"I have come first but the one who has come after me, is greater. "

I have looked hard for it Tomus - but I see no sin

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