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Creation / Evolution.

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Theland | 16:14 Fri 31st Jan 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
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What can you say that you know one thing about evolution?


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Quite aside from anything else, you are still setting far too much store by the people who are speaking, and far too little by what they are actually saying. Evaluate the evidence for yourself, if you can -- what one PhD says, or a Professor, or even a Nobel Laureate or two, means nothing. They may be right or they may be wrong, but who they are is irrelevant to that....
15:20 Thu 06th Feb 2020
//increase of genetic information that led to a mutational advantage.//

In whose view? We have autistic people, who are sometimes described as having a disability, even though they can often be geniuses. And many scientists, artists, inventors, musicians, etc who have since been suspected to have some kind of mental issues. Maybe they are needed as much as anyone else?
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Naomi - Assumptions without hard evidence?
No. The universe itself is hard evidence.
Scientist who share your worldview insist the first cause of the universe is to be found within the universe.
That does not make any sense to me.
Then life from non life? Do you assume that is possible?
Miller / Urey tried it in 1953 and failed as has every other attempt since.
Then natural selection through gene mutation, resulting in an increase of genetic information beneficial to the organism? Never been proven with hard evidence and even Dawkins, after making his assumptions, could not give an example.
The universe is "hard evidence" of what?

I can see you aren't speaking to me.... but could you answer any of my posts please? X
Theland, //The universe itself is hard evidence. //

No, it isn't. It's no evidence at all. It exists but you cannot in any circumstances claim to know how or why - which is what you are doing. You can knock evolution all you like - but that makes you no more 'right' than you've ever been.

Rather than continue to seek endorsement to assuage your doubts just believe what you want to believe - but don't expect people who know rather more than you do about both evolution and the holy books to take you seriously.
Quite aside from anything else, you are still setting far too much store by the people who are speaking, and far too little by what they are actually saying. Evaluate the evidence for yourself, if you can -- what one PhD says, or a Professor, or even a Nobel Laureate or two, means nothing. They may be right or they may be wrong, but who they are is irrelevant to that. The evidence speaks for itself, if you are in a position to truly listen to what it has to say.
Even creation evolves.

The process of evolution is natural and would surely make sense for god or the devine or evolve, just as we have?

Maybe god did make us all. However, maybe he didn't mean to make us as conscious as we are? Maybe he made us as monkeys, but incorporated his own features to a point that we were able to evolve in such a way to be in his image.

After this god may have realised his mistake, and abandoned us to go try again with a new terrarium.
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Have some sympathy folks.
I feel like a goalkeeper trying to save ten penalties at once.
Overwhelmed with posts demanding a response and unhappy if they are not promptly sent.
I'm trying. Really I am.
No need to "try" theland... you already know what you think. And unless they are hitting the goal, you don't need to save any penalties ;-)
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Pixie - I want to address the points, but as you can see from the posts, my failure to respond promptly invites unwelcome comments.
Sorry.... xx I'll be patient and wait .
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Naomi - You tell me not to engage with people who know more about science and holy books than I.
Fair enough.
You however claim to know nothing, as you have sat stead many times.
Do you see the paradox?
Or is this just the leapard with the same old spots?
Theland, //Have some sympathy folks. //

Why? You're under no obligation to continually initiate threads on the same subject - which you know will produce the same responses. If you don't like it, why do it?
Theland. I haven’t told you not to engage with anyone - and I haven’t claimed to know nothing either. You've imagined that.
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Beso- 1/2/20 @22:38 - yes I have listened to lectures regarding geothermal vents and I can only say that to the layman it is certainly plausible.
But being plausible may be an indicator for the direction of future research, but it is not in, or of itself actual evidence for abiogenesis.
I'd given up on this thread, just returned, - god knows why. Anyone spouting abiogenesis must really be mentally challenged, (in my humble opinion).
The question isn't, does evolution exist? - of course it does! the question is from whence came life to this planet and what drives its continuance?
"the first cause of the universe is to be found within the universe. That does not make any sense to me."

Since the universe is all we have access to or evidence of, how could we possibly find any frist cause elsewhere ? Something happens, evidence is left, we deduce what actually occurred. It's all anyone ever has.

Life is an emergent quality, so of course it emerges from non-life. It's all there is at the time.

Umpteen examples of beneficial mutation. How else do you think creatures change to adapt to a changing environment ? Ask Darwin a out the finches. That was example enough surely.
Details yet to be filled in but :

"from whence came life to this planet"
One might debate whether life or the precursors of life fell to the planets from space, or whether it was home brew; but wherever it occurs/occurred, atoms form from the brew in the Big Bang and higher elements in stars and their explosions. Atoms come together to firm molecules. Structures form, and a few inevitably prove to be self replicating. Why would there be any reason that eventually some qualify as life ? Feeding, multiplying, etc..

"and what drives its continuance?"
That original self replicating nature from which life formed. Any that make the mistake of not replicating are not here to tell the tale. Others evolve to fill what was their niche. fOrm...

Why would there be any reason that SOME WOULD NOT eventually qualify as life ?

This site STILL needs an editing facility.
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You mean this site needs to evolve?
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Old Geezer - There are many problems with evolution.
I have listened to dozens of lectures from scientists highlighting the problems.
Take a bird fossil.
Did they evolve from flying dinosaurs?
Feathers from scales?
Fossilised scales are found, and fossilised feathers, but no transitional samples.
Bird fossils appear suddenly followed by stasis, but no transitional forms earlier.
This is just one problem.

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