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The God Question.

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Theland | 21:56 Sat 19th Oct 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
81 Answers
In our usual spirit of mutual respect and friendliness, would you like to address the whole, "God Question?"

Is there a God? Proof?

There is no God? "Proof?"

Any general comments?


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Do you expect an answer to that?

No. It was a little tongue in cheek. But, seriously, there are many religions, each claiming a unique status for their god. Do they all worship, in their own way, the one true God, or is their only one true religion?
drm; //or is their only one true religion?//
There's probably as many interpretations of God as followers. I am personally very relaxed about such self-identifications, on a recent form filling under, Religion? I put, 'Taoist, Buddhist, Christian'
Theland //Your own logic and reason dictates that there was a first Uncaused cause, otherwise we have infinite regression of what caused the cause, caused the cause, caused the cause, ad infinitum.//

Yes, things continue to happen without a cause today. However there is no reason to suppose that there is an underlying super-consciousness, the most complex thing that has ever and can ever exist.

It makes far more sense that the beginning is very simple. Like the Big Bang which was a single pixel of amorphous energy, especially considering that everything we can see today can be derived from that beginning.
Archeologists are always very keen to file their finds in their pre-constructed, pre-labelled pigeon holes. They are never too keen on working outside the box. Nice and tidy that way – no loose ends – nothing too difficult or uncomfortable or potentially embarrassing to explain. I have my doubts that the figure was an object of religious worship.
While you seem to be making the most sense here, beso....
//Yes, things continue to happen without a cause today//... really just means that we don't always know what the cause is. Although that is no excuse, obviously, to attribute it to an unknowable, untestable spirit. And just leave it at that.
Question Author
Beso - Your version of, "nothing," consists of , " something."
A bit of a cop,out,
Question Author
Excuse me. What happens without a cause today?
I am intrigued.
Who or what caused God?
Corby //Who or what caused God?//

You are making an assumption with that question, that "time" acts in a linear fashion, are you sure this is the case?
Question Author
Bored now. Massage each other's egos. The
You do not need proof that there is no god, as in you do not need proof that there are no unicorns.
KHANDRO, if, as THELAND believes, the Universe was created by God, am I incorrect in thinking God must have existed at the time of the universe's creation?

He does not believe the universe appeared out of nothing so if the same opinion applies to God, where did God appear from?

With regard to the possibility of the non-linear nature of time, I am willing to be educated on the matter.
" Bored now. Massage each other's egos. The"
" A bit of a cop,out,"
Corby //With regard to the possibility of the non-linear nature of time, I am willing to be educated on the matter.//

Quantum time is not my field & I'm not the one to attempt explaining it, but there is a huge debate going on in the world of physics, & your question; 'what came before God' may not even be a valid question.
Try googling "Is time linear?"
Khandro, //your question; 'what came before God' may not even be a valid question. //

May not? That sounds awfully like 'Don't know' - not something the religiously inclined ever admit. Science doesn't know - but what do you think?
n. Everything I look at seems to move in cycles & circles. Newton said if he could throw a stone hard enough it would hit him on the back of his head. The planets move in orbits returning to more or less the same places as they were once before (but don't quote me on that).
Why shouldn't time (whatever that is) be cyclical, without a beginning or an end?
KHANDRO, do you have any examples of proven time-travel?
Dr Who ?
Khandro, in short, you don't know.

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