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What Do The Faithful Have That The Rest Of Us Don’T?

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naomi24 | 19:20 Mon 13th Jan 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
375 Answers
With no explanation, Goodlife is constantly telling the ‘poor’ atheists here that they have nothing – and today Khandro said exactly the same. I'm curious. Just what is it that these chaps think they have that the rest of us lack?


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Sore knees
19:21 Mon 13th Jan 2014
/don't you remember that the atheists were outnumbered? /
Can't say that I do remember, were the atheists outnumbered by believers, don't knows or a combination of both? do you have a link Cg ?
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Sorry jamifl, dont know how to do links, but ask Naomi or perhaps the Ed. I am sure they will oblige.
So the insults are starting to fly (as per redman). I'm away to get on with my knitting.
oops "redvanman"
goodlife - "Yes the Bible does say: Be in fear of God. (1 Peter 2:17) But with much more wholesome fear, It is the kind of fear that a child may feel for his father, even though he loves his father and knows that his father loves him, even that is someing lacking in the world today."

'Wholesome fear'? What an odd concept! My children love me, but never have and never would fear me - why would i ever want them to?

And if your God is a loving God, he would not wish his children to fear him either.

'Wholesome fear' is a typical tortology from your belief system - no wonder you are confused!

This silly, rhetorical question, naturally produces many non sequitur responses.
I like maggiebee's one-word at 12:24 though. I'm un-subscribing now.
jomifl; Got the lead this morning.
OK Khandro I'll await updates on your original thread :o)
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//Confused that because you don’t know your Bible//

Let me help you to appreciate why we should fear Jehovah God. Turning to Proverbs 8:13, we read: The fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad.” Yes, by hating bad, we carefully avoid engaging in anything against which God warns us in his Word the Bible.

Here one for you. A son, for his part, honors a father; and a servant, his grand master. So if I am a father, where is the honor to me? And if I am a grand master, where is the fear of me?’ Jehovah of armies has said to you, O priests who are despising my name.” (Malachi 1:6;

Andy first you have to understand what the fear of God means in the Bible, and how this type of fear forms a fundamental part of a relationship with God.
Nothing to look forward to ? Except oblivion that is.
Thanks, for the link Naomi, that was kind of how I remembered it but wouldn't want to contradict the erroneous Cg without proof.
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You're welcome.
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Never mind, OG. You won't be alone in your oblivion. ;o)
So Cg, that is 20.6% religious which seems to be in accordance with the pro/ anti posts on AB. GL, does skew the stats. a bit though :o)
Could'nt resist having another peek. Where is that link that proves me wrong jomifl? As far a I recall, the religious/spiritual definetly outnumbered the athiests .
If I stand corrected, please show me the link and I will apologise.
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Cannedgranny, it's disappeared, but not to worry.

Note that the spiritual were defined as ‘but not necessarily religious’.
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Maggie (and Khandro), if faith is the answer, why do you think a lack of it make an atheist ‘poor’?
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What Do The Faithful Have That The Rest Of Us Don’T?

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