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society | 15:20 Mon 27th May 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
127 Answers
According to the holy bible tithing is a spiritual law encouraging one to give a portion of their earned income. Practicing this habit helps one find abundance, fulfillment, and gratitude in their everyday lives.

When a person tithes, the universe that works under the spiritual law of tithing says - 'if you have that much to give, then you are open to receive more'. As we fulfill our part of the covenant by giving, then God fulfills his part by continually blessing us.

What is your opinion on tithing?


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Where do the scriptures tell us that tithing is a spiritual law? Where do the scriptures tell us that tithing was to give a portion of earned income?

The Biblical tithe was neither spiritual nor did it ever come from earned income or any other type of income.

When God gave the Israelites the promised land, He RESERVED, for Himself, a tenth of the crops and every tenth animal (Leviticus 27:30, 32). They NEVER did belong to the Israelites. In other words, the tithe was from God's increase of FOOD, not from man's income. It was a way to distribute FOOD to the Levites and priests who did NOT inherit any land.

No one, not even the farmers, tithed from their income.

The farmers made their income by SELLING and/or barter-exchanging their crops and animals but did NOT tithe on that income.

Today, ALL born-again believers are priests. ALL of us are called to be disciples of the Lord. No one of us is greater than another. Our bodies are the Temple where the Spirit dwells. According to the scriptures, priests do not tithe (Numbers 18).
Believers have been buying their way into heaven for millenia. When tithing
wasn't enough the church sold indulgences which resulted, by the time of the reformation, in the church owning two thirds of the total wealth of Europe.
That's the cost of greed and gullibility.
Question Author
Believers have been buying their way into heaven"

Should this be true, then the Catholics own heaven. :)
How is it different to donating to charity?
10% after living expenses and debts. Not much left to give then.
Sounds like your "tithing" is just an extremely generous giving of charity. In which case, I wish I were more like you. In fairness my current wealth is in negative numbers, so...
"The love of money is the root of all evil"

Timothy 6:10

"No its OK, we dont want your money, its evil" said no religious leader ever!!
The Vatican owns 100,000 properties and hasn't paid tax for 10 years.
They were excused tax by Berlesconi as his tithe .
GaryArnold //Today, ALL born-again believers are priests. ALL of us are called to be disciples of the Lord. No one of us is greater than another. Our bodies are the Temple where the Spirit dwells. According to the scriptures, priests do not tithe //

That's handy.
society //Should this be true, then the Catholics own heaven. :) //

Yes they do , it's called Unreal Estate .
Can be bothered with all that donating where most of the funds disappear into 'legal' admin costs and wages.

I get pleasure from buying a 'suspended coffee' at starbucks and know that some poor soul will enjoy a nice warm drink.
GaryArnold - “... When God gave the Israelites the promised land, He RESERVED, for Himself, a tenth of the crops and every tenth animal (Leviticus 27:30, 32). They NEVER did belong to the Israelites... Today, ALL born-again believers are priests. ALL of us are called to be disciples of the Lord. No one of us is greater than another. Our bodies are the Temple where the Spirit dwells. According to the scriptures, priests do not tithe (Numbers 18)...”

What a truly distasteful argument. As I'm sure you know, the 10% tithe was so that the Levite preists could concentrate on carrying out God's work. This essentially meant that the priests could get away with doing almost nothing and certainly no manual labour whatsoever. This privileged elite simply took the food that others had grown/reared and gave the land owners and farmers nothing in return - except spiritual guidance of course...

And now you born-agains classify yourselves as priests thereby avoiding the requirement for tithing a substantial portion of your income to the church. How very convenient for you.
@ birdie1971 -

The tithe was given to the Levites as their inheritance, instead of inheriting any land. The Levites were servants to the priests. They were the singers, musicians, carpenters working at the Temple, etc. etc. Then the Levites gave a tenth of the tithe they received to the priests.

Are you aware that the priests and Levites only worked at the Temple about two weeks per year, on a rotational basis? NOT FULL TIME. The priests and Levites were divided into 24 "courses". See First Chronicles 24 for the priests and chapters 25 and 26 for the Levites. Each course only ministered in the Temple one week out of twenty four (1 in 24), and, depending on how many families were in each course, each family only ministered in the Temple two or three days during its courses’ week of ministry. The rest of the time the Levites and priests HAD REGULAR JOBS.

Teaching tithing today is what I consider distasteful. It's a scam that started in 1870. Before 1870, no Christian Church ever taught anyone to tithe from their income. None. Just do a research of tithing in the Christian Church.

The New Testament teaches generous, sacrificial giving, from the heart, according to our means. For some, $1 might be a sacrifice, while for others, even giving 50% of their income might not induce a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, ONLY the farmers tithed, and it was a tenth. The New Testament teaches the principle of equal sacrifice instead of a tenth. Equal sacrifice is much harder to achieve, if not impossible, than giving a tenth.

Might do some church goers to study their Bibles instead of believing either ignorant or dishonest pastors who continue to teach a man-made doctrine of tithing from one's income.

Why is it that those of us against the false teaching of tithing are accused of trying to avoid giving to the church? A study of the New Testament reveals that tithing ended at the cross (Hebrews 7:5,12,18) and was REPLACED with a HIGHER STANDARD of giving.

Being Spirit led instead of following some pastor's false teaching, I wind up giving 30% and more of my income. It's a matter of teaching truth from the scriptures vs lies from man. Has nothing to do with not wanting to give generously.
GaryArnold - “... Might do some church goers to study their Bibles instead of believing either ignorant or dishonest pastors who continue to teach a man-made doctrine...”

Are you suggesting that the Bible is not a man-made doctrine?
GaryArnold - “... It's a matter of teaching truth from the scriptures vs lies from man...”

We cross-posted. You've now answered my question.
GaryArnold -

I've just been reading Numbers 18. Wow. There's some really unsavoury stuff in it isn't there? My attention was caught by this little nugget:

Numbers 18:14-17 - “... Everything in Israel that is devoted to the Lord is yours. The first offspring of every womb, both human and animal, that is offered to the Lord is yours. But you must redeem every firstborn son and every firstborn male of unclean animals. When they are a month old, you must redeem them at the redemption price set at five shekels of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel, which weighs twenty gerahs. But you must not redeem the firstborn of a cow, a sheep or a goat; they are holy. Splash their blood against the altar and burn their fat as a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the Lord...”

And you think that this is, “... truth from the scriptures...”?

Oh dear me.
@ birdie1971 - If you don't believe the scriptures are truth, why bother reading them?

Born-again believers are subject to the teachings of the New Testament, which begins AFTER the cross. The tithe and the other 600 plus laws are Old Testament. Born-again believers are not subject to the Old Testament laws.
So among the several ‘flavour unknowns’ and ‘floating voters’, we now have Goodlife, the Jehovah’s Witness, Keyplus, Lightbulb, and P.Dust, the Muslims, and GaryArnold, the Born Again Christian – all claiming to be right – and all failing utterly to recognise the absurdity of their position.
GA, 'ignorant or dishonest pastors'............. I can't disagree :-)

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