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Why Do Atheists Feel The Need To Let Everyone Know That They Don't Worship God?

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goodlife | 08:48 Wed 17th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
66 Answers
All people are inclined to worship someone or something, even if it is one’s own self.


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atheists will argue that there is no God, but is impossible for them disprove the existence of God.

You can see man is endowed with the instinct or faculty to worship. This accounts for the fact that man, at all times and in all lands, has practiced and continues to practice some form of worship, and I do not want to go down that line of atheists worship, for thousands of years, worship was a powerful rival to the pure worship.
Priests became powerful figures so no one dared not worship. I dispute that man is endowed with the instinct or faculty to worship. But I'll accept when things look bleak many'll clutch at any straw.
I don't know if you ever read the replies - you certainly don't answer them much.

Anyway, do we really have the instinct to worship, or just the time and instinct to examine the world about us and wonder how it got here? Earlier, with no other way of answering that question, men turned to the idea of Gods. Most of them certainly were false Gods, inventions of those who then worshipped them. All of them are, probably, and as our understanding of the World has developed so too has our need for a God to worship declined.

///atheists will argue that there is no God, but is impossible for them disprove the existence of God///

And you Goodlife are yet to find a 'cut and paste' article that proves his/her existence!.
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Simple, And you Baldric are yet to find a 'cut and paste' article that proves that his existence doesn’t.
I don't.

But then, I have never needed to prove my absence of faith by constantly asking questions to which i will give the answer I want after around twenty responses - which are of course all wrong.

So which of us has a problem here goodlife?
Atheists know that they cannot prove the existence of god - it's a logical impossibility. Another example would be proving that Father Christmas doesn't exist - it can't be done. But we all really know that FC doesn't exist.
So just because you can't prove the non-existence of something doesn't make it sensible to assume that it exists.
If we thought that everything that we couldn't prove didn't exist, must exist, then we would be living in a very strange world.
Another example: I can't prove that Unicorns don't exist, but I don't then say to myself: vascop, you must assume that they do exist. In these cases you have to resort to looking at the evidence and at the probabilities. That's why I am an atheist - not because I can prove the non-existence of god, but because all the evidence points to the non-existence of god.
We don't generally start posts predicated on belief, goodlife, but will answer those that do. What is your reason for posting? I have yet to see atheists going from door to door to convert anyone.

You are right to say that all people are inclined to worship someone or something. That's a product of evolution. That there are so many "someones" and so many "somethings" shows that most of them, all but one, are being mistakenly worshipped, doesn't it? That shows just how much the tendency is natural but essentially erroneous. We all have it, but its merit is in the psychological effect, not in the truth of there being any god.
Somebody has used this "disprove the existence of God" argument before.

I can't prove that the moon isn't made of green cheese but that isn't an reason for believing it is !

I realise that this is logical and rational, so therefore will not be accepted by most religious fanatics. After all, if they were logical and rational, they wouldn't be religious in the first place !
We kind of can prove that the moon isn't made of Green Cheese though.
@Goodlife. Not much of a response, is it?

Your response in a nutshell - All people, from all cultures have developed the idea of a god, and a significant proportion of that culture worship that god.This is "proof" of a "god-shaped hole", to you -that we are genetically hard-wired to believe.

Except that it is not proof. It is only proof of a need within humans to develop a simple narrative with which to explain the universe, because that it was all religions claim to be able to do. The religions differ in some pretty significant and fundamental ways.

And your second point is equally facile and irrational.You appear to believe that, because we cannot at the moment - and I stress, at the moment - disprove gods existence, that somehow proves he exists? This is an absurd conclusion to reach.

Actually, given the powers, abilities and nature of the god of the major faiths, and how such a being would necessarily have to violate all sorts of fundamental laws of science in order to exist, or respond to prayer, or perform miracles - It is on you, the believers, to offer proof of gods existence . And this you cannot do. You cannot do it now, you have not been able to for all the thousands of years of the existence of the organised church.

And the likelihood of gods existence - the places where a god might exist, or those actions or events which have previously been ascribed to god - are dwindling.

The problem here is that what those of faith describe as evidence only has any validity to other believers.

And that voice that you hear in your head, goodlife? That one that answers you or tells you what to do? Thats your own voice, bouncing around in the closed echo-chamber of your mind - closed to any other explanation....
Lol, good one Goodlife!

Do you really think this is going to convince any atheists the 'error of their ways'?
Or, is it just going to make us laugh at you, shake our heads and pity you your poor deluded mind?

Why Do Religeous Fanatics Feel The Need To Let Everyone Know That Everyone Else Should Worship THEIR God?
It's YOUR delusion GL, not ours.
-- answer removed --
Who? or GL? ;-)
You are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, goodlife.
Once again Goodlife you have wasted your time on another silly question, will you never give up on this ridiculous notion that you may covert somebody.
i am not sure our poster is after converting anyone. Its the nature of the question that irks me, how does he know that we all bang on people's doors and tell them they must stop all this religious nonsense, as opposed to the faithful who do. I really must stop answering these posts, it gives me a migraine, and strangely i don't usually get them, x
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You think mankind learn from the past, or are history’s lessons all wasted time on us? Think about that question as you consider your life.
Hi LazyGun:

"the fundamental weakness of pascals wager has been well demonstrated before."

What are these weaknesses?

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