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What Does It Mean To Be Honest?

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Truthabounds | 10:18 Tue 01st Jan 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
60 Answers
Honesty affects many aspects of our lives.

There are many ways—though often viewed as innocent and acceptable—in which people do not speak truth.


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Ratter, are you hiding a Jew in your attic?
It has been said that ‘honesty is the best policy,’ meaning that honesty brings practical results.

Well, I remember my son finding a wallet once in the gents public toilets. He took it to the Police because it contained a cheque book, cheque card and a large sum of money.

He wasn’t expecting a reward but the owner very kindly sent him a nice letter and a modest sum as a thank you. My son wasn’t expecting a reward as he has been brought up to acknowledge that if he keeps something that doesn’t belong to him it is tantamount to stealing. The fact that he had a reward was an encouraging factor in his development. I hope he continues in the path he was taught.
Batexia - I think that is slightly different from telling lies. You have taught your son to be honest and I think that is only right but it is more than telling lies, he is being honest in his dealings. I think this is very admirable and desirable.
IMO to be honest also includes being truthful. If you are honest in your dealings then you are truthful as well. Surely the two go hand in hand?
I do not lie. Ever.
If a situation or a question is particularly awkward, I may decline to answer. But when I do give answers they are always truthful.
When my children were growing up, I told them they could always believe that every word I would ever say to them would be true and trustworthy, but that I would never lie for them. No fibbing to teachers about missed homework or late arrival at lessons.
Tell one lie, I told them, just one lie, and nobody in future will ever know when you are trustworthy and when you are lying. Stick to the truth like glue, and you will be known as reliable and trusted.
As a boy I was always sent to Sunday school by my parents.. and my parents was from Christian family ,and being told by my parents that honestly was always the best policy this his alway stuck in my mind... and always will give you a good name. Some of the always are still the best. (not all) some things have changed for the better than. But where his honesty today it is lacking today, for instance stealing from old age pensioners who have worked all their lives, and people who are dishonest who attacked and even kill old age pensioners for their money what dishonorable .what a way to live today . Most of us has grandparents and even parents who have worked very hard all their lives. ( So what about honesty today ,.Are Bible principals are missing)
atalanta// I told them they could always believe that every word I would ever say to them would be true and trustworthy//
That sounds dishonest to me!
Whilst atalanta's intention is admirable, there will surely be times when the information given proves later to be incorrect, or is "what I believed at the time". I would hesitate to say that I have never been proved wrong, although I believed it when I said it.
some beliefs do not deserve respect.

just because someone believes something does not automatically afford it respect, and depending on the belief, sometimes the person who holds the belief deserves no respect either.

people are entitled to their opinion, but theyre not entitled to universal unquestioning respect merely for holding it.

there are many beliefs that should absolutely be challeneged and the person lambasted for that belief.
We've had several discussions here on 'truth'. We used to have a poster who insisted that if something is perceived by someone as ‘truth’, then it is, indeed, truth – but it isn’t.
Unfortunately, honesty is more to do with being believable and trustworthy, relying on an evaluation not necessarily based on objectivity and facts, the bridge between reality and the quality of ones knowledge and understanding of reality. In other words, being deceptively honest (whether it be with others or oneself) does not necessarily imply a contradiction in terms.
atalanta, //I do not lie. Ever. //

Are you sure you want to stick with that? I hope you are not one of those horrible people who tells their kids that there is no tooth fairy or father christmas right from the start.

Is telling people to accept what is written in the bible is truth when it is not, honest?
always the best policy.
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Wildwood@ //Is telling people to accept what is written in the bible is truth when it is not, honest?//
As you don't believe the Bible then it is not applicable to you. Just because it is of no use to you doesn't mean that it isn't for others.
Truthabounds, why don't you answer Wildwood's question 'honestly'?
modeller I think Truthabounds you should define what you mean by 'Honest'. It is not necessarily saying the truth. The reasons for either depend on circumstances
locusts I think this is a straightforward question which can be answered in a sensible way.
Does honesty have to be defined. If so this is my answer.
What Does It Mean To Be Honest? (Truth )
Honesty affects many aspects of our lives
and can also mean that I shall not steal or rob from your fellow man

Truthabounds, I’ll give you an example. On another thread speaking of the

creation of the world, you said //There is no actual time period mentioned in the Genesis account. //

… and I said //Yes there is – 6 days.//

Who’s telling the truth? Perhaps now you can answer your own question

am thinking // as human // pointed view and trying to understand those points. In the creation of the Genesis there is a time. It tells of a day construction // is a total of six days and on the seventh he rested.(god) there is a reasoning in human terms // to us 24 hours is one day but to God as a thousand years is but one day kj Psalms.90 .4--// 2 Peter3-8so from Genesis,.1, about the creation when he uses the words day does he means a 24-hour day or a thousand as in year day.

To truthabounds

"As you don't believe the Bible then it is not applicable to you. Just because it is of no use to you doesn't mean that it isn't for others."

This is the most sensible thing you have posted. Leave it then. If you follow your own words above, you don't have to keep trying to convince people who don't want to be convinced or converted.
Locusts, perhaps you can answer the question you refer to and that Truthabounds avoided answering. Here it is:

//Yes there is – 6 days [the time taken by God to create the world]. Now in an effort to justify that very clear information, it’s been said that God’s ‘day’ is not the same as man’s day, so does that mean that every time ’40 days’, for example, is mentioned in the bible – as it often is - that must automatically translate into thousands of years? If not, how do you differentiate – or are you simply desperate to make the ever-shrinking nonsense that is ancient superstition fit modern science? //
Do you not agree that greed and selfish ambition are still very much the motives that impel many people to lie?

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