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Gay marriage – yes or no?

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naomi24 | 19:55 Tue 12th Jun 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
84 Answers
On the news tonight, both a representative of the Church of England and a spokesman for Islam said that since it is in direct contravention of God’s law, marriage between same sex couples must not be legalised. I don’t believe we’ve had a discussion on the subject in this section, so your thoughts?


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No theist has answered my question either.

//why should people who don't believe in the God of Abraham adhere to his laws? //
What about forced gay marriage?
And what about bi-sexuals being allowed to marry two partners?
are two men or women living together classed as co- habiting by the benefits agency and would they be if " married"
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Can someone who is saying 'nay' please tell us why they are saying it? And if there's any chance of answering the questions Chakka and I have asked, it would be appreciated.
Brilliant, jackthehat. And I notice that no theist has answered my question as to why we should worry about what the Church thinks.[i
Well I am a theist (believer in god) and I don't worry about what any church thinks unless its thoughts lead to actions which i think are wrong.
[i]why should people who don't believe in the God of Abraham adhere to his laws?]
and again speaking as someone who believes in god, I have no idea.
PS I think that religions give people who believe in god a bad name
Well it seems that those of us who are saying Yes are the only ones to explain why. I would really love to hear from those who have said No. Why? What difference will it make to your life?
My best male friend is gay and has been with his partner for 22 years. They are in a civil partnership but he tells me they will be able to convert that partnership to marriage without going through another ceremony if this legislation goes ahead. And they will as soon as they can.
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Toes - “...Well at least they agree on something [a representative of the Church of England and a spokesman for Islam said that since it is in direct contravention of God’s law, marriage between same sex couples must not be legalised], and that's a move in the right direction...”

It is nothing of the sort. They currently have a common enemy – the people who believe in equality for all. Do not mistake this temporary solidarity between the two faiths as anything other than a cynical manoeuvre.
It seems to me that the two churches do agree on something. They agree same-sex marriages shouldn't be allowed.
Until the others speak up I know which religions to avoid from now on.
I've faced death head on. The one thing that DIDN'T scare me was a god.
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Ladybirder, //I would really love to hear from those who have said No. //

Me too - but it doesn't look likely. There's no point in posting 'no' without explaining why. What does that mean? 'I don't want it to happen because I said so'?
Is homosexuality really that bad?
In answer, read for yourself what the apostle Paul said at 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10: What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes . He made it plain that God disapproves of all homosexual acts.
And most damaging of all are the consequences to one’s spirituality. Homosexuals find themselves “in darkness mentally, and alienated from the life that belongs to God.” (Ephesians 4:18) If you believe Bible.
And if you could provide an ounce of credible proof that these claims (or the claims of Islam on the same matter) were true, there might be a conversation worth having.

But there isn't and there isn't.
Goodlife, why would you think that we would want to read that nonsense knowing that most of the people on this thread are atheists and dont believe in such nonsense as you are suggesting we read.

You really dont get the Atheist thing do you!!

My view is....... If........ there is a God and he made us all.. why did he create gay people..if the Bible does not agree with it.? we are all the same. Of course they should be allowed to marry.....they have rights the same as everyone else. If everyone who was different was outcasts then this would be a very sad world. I know some gay men and women and they are no different to anyone else. Infact most are nicer than "straight" people. If they love each other and want to spend there lives with each other then why shouldnt they do say. It isnt something they have "Choosen to be" they have been born that way........from may I add Straight couples.!! If any of my 7 grandchildren are gay then I will love them just the same and treat them no differently. For goodness sake this is 2012.!! Get on with it.!
naomi - your question was 'Gay Marriage - Yes or No?' Maybe that's why some abers said 'No'. Obviously just answering your question !
Goodlife - “... 'Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes.' He made it plain that God disapproves of all homosexual acts...”

Indeed He has. God has made it quite clear that he loathes gay people (which seems peculiar since he created them but that's by the by). Apart from homosexuals, He also appears to loath those who worship idols. He called them 'idolaters'. Maybe you and others should think about that the next time you're in church, kneeling before a statue of Jesus or Mary or whomever or before a depiction of the crucifixion cross.
Birdie@ God says not to pray to idols. This is reasonable. Would you like it if someone never talked to you but only talked to your picture or image? Could that person be your true friend? No, he could not. Jehovah wants people to talk to him, not to a statue or a picture, which has no life.—Exodus 20:4, 5.
Where I go to worship there are NO idols, No cruxifices, No pictures of either Jesus, Mary or the apostles. I and my fellow believers, do NOT bow down or pray to any of these.

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