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Roy262 | 20:32 Thu 24th Jan 2008 | Society & Culture
45 Answers
Would you class a female who has had 3 different men since the end of November a Sl@g.
Or is it ok in today's society.


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And this is for unrulyjulie i have slept with women on the first night but deep down i would rather a female make me wait a little..
As if she jumps in the sack with me she has done it most times if not all..
Ok if it was just a sex thing then you do have sex on the first night..
But i and i think most men dont mind having sex with a female who has been around BUT we dont want to end up with one....
i think thats spot on Roy, sad really though cause it smacks of double standards to me. Still, i guess thats the way it is and always will be :-(

personally i think this lady is foolish if she isnt using protection! Thats a different issue but i still cant be doing with women who partake in the same activity as men being regarded as slags while no one bats an eyelid at a bloke doing exactly the same! .
I think it is entirely her own business.

But I do hope she learns that discretion is usually best as people have all sorts of views on it and some may wish to label her.

Incidently, regarding the one night thing... If a girl sleeps with you on first meeting you what on earth makes you think that she want to see you again?! Always amuses me that guys just pressume she does.
Wow so many judgemental people ! All Xtians are you ?
Ofcourse she's not a slag. I can't believe that there are still so many judgemental phartes around. In the days when I started to sow my oats [oh, those were the days] I certainly would not turn down a one night stand, but always considered that as sex for fun.
Any young woman which appealed to me as a likely prospect for a relationship would never be bedded in the first 3 or 4 meetings. I found it to result in a more meaningful relationship.

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