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Who Will Save The Earth?

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locust | 14:31 Wed 24th Apr 2024 | Society & Culture
66 Answers

Many people are concerned about the damage that they believe humans are doing to the earth and the life it supports

Will humans ruin the earth? Or will they ever be able to live in closer harmony with nature? Will Man Ruin the Earth Beyond Repair?

A reason for hope

The Bible gives us assurance that the future of our planet is secure. It explains why human efforts are not enough to save the earth, and it describes the real change that must be made. It also identifies how this change will come about.



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Bruce Willis - he and his crew will detonate an atomic bomb on a HUGE asteroid destined to collide with the Earth, and wipe out every living thing in the process.

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 But there are new heavens and a new earth ??
    2 Peter 3:13  .But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell... Because of the many so-called gods, how is it known whose government personally the Kingdom is, and why is it inescapable that his will should be done on earth?
 Since there are so many who are called gods today, how could we know whose government God’s kingdom really was unless we knew the name of this God, this Father in heaven o whom Jesus addressed the model prayer?
It is the kingdom of the great Life-giver in heaven, whose name is to  e revered an  hallowed. (Matt. 6:9, 10) That the Bible is a solid basis for faith is abundantly testified to by archaeology, geology, history and the fulfillment of prophecy found in the Bible itself. The Bible and Archaeology says: “The Bible can do nothing but gain from an increase of knowledge.” It is impossible to have the faith that pleases God without knowledge of his Word. It is impossible to have a solid faith without accurate knowledge.What a change! We have, though, considered so far only three of the four occurrences in the Bible of the phrase “new heavens an  a new earth.” There s one more that ties in with what we have examined and that underscores why we have reason to look forward to when and how God will fulfill his promise to ‘make all things new .What marvelous love does Jehovah display, too, as he turns attention to this tiny speck, the earth, sweeping it clean of all sectarian religion and other wickedness, and establishing it as a sanctuary where men will live forever in peace and joy. Whether our destiny . incorruptibility. in the new heavens” or everlasting life with the “new earth,” all of us can humbly exclaim before Jehovah: “What is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him ?”—Ps. 8:1, 4; 1 Cor. 15:42-45  Rev. 14:3. 

////This earth will ultimately be destroyed by God Revelation ch21v1 and a new heaven and a new earth will be created////


Already happened, the old earth with animals providing the power has gone - the new earth power is provided by oil gas and steam.

Locust- I think you simply cut and paste Bible verses and chunks of JW Literature  without any clear understanding of what you are saying.

What are the common threads in what you are saying? So far you have avoided a direct response to Revelation ch21v1 where the Bible states that a new heaven and a new earth will be created.

These pseudo-religious bible-thumpers are an interfering irritant on Answerbank, just like they are in other aspects of life.


If anything will end this Earth it's these zealous fanatics intent on spreading their own particular fairy tale.



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 judge  The Bible gives us assurance that the future of our planet is secure. 
 Locust-,   Reason tells us that God must soon act to save the earth from man’s ruinous activities, and Bible prophecy confirms this. But what will he do? The Bible says that he will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18; compare Matthew 24:3-14.) Just as a landlord ejects a destructive tenant, so God will “eject” those who ruin his beautiful creation, the earth.Is this an extreme or unjust solution? No, God, as the Creator of the earth, has the right to decide who will inhabit it. He also has the right to hold man responsible for his actions. Moreover, if God permits man to continue his course unchecked, the earth will be ruined for everyone, and life will become impossible. On the other hand, by ‘bringing to ruin those ruining the earth,’ God preserves our earthly heritage for appreciative ones. The Bible promises: “For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. —Proverbs 2:21   Revelation 21:3

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 judge  The Bible gives us assurance that the future of our planet is secure. 
 Locust-,   Reason tells us that God must soon act to save the earth from man’s ruinous activities, and Bible prophecy confirms this. But what will he do? The Bible says that he will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18; compare Matthew 24:3-14.) Just as a landlord ejects a destructive tenant, so God will “eject” those who ruin his beautiful creation, the earth.Is this an extreme or unjust solution? No, God, as the Creator of the earth, has the right to decide who will inhabit it. He also has the right to hold man responsible for his actions. Moreover, if God permits man to continue his course unchecked, the earth will be ruined for everyone, and life will become impossible. On the other hand, by ‘bringing to ruin those ruining the earth,’ God preserves our earthly heritage for appreciative ones. The Bible promises: “For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. —Proverbs 2:21   Revelation 21:3

My money is still on one of the guys that I mentioned at 15:28 Wed 24th Apr 2024.

I haven't heard of the first two wolf, can you enlighten me please ?


Stargate. I think Scooby Doo has more chance of saving the world.




Canary //

These pseudo-religious bible-thumpers are an interfering irritant on Answerbank, just like they are in other aspects of life.If anything will end this Earth it's these zealous fanatics intent on spreading their own particular fairy tale.//

Definitely a front-runner for one of the most ridiculous posts ever on AB //


Thanks drmorgans

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khandro .   These pseudo-religious bible-thumpers are an interfering irritant on Answerbank, 
         locust .   I understand this is a religious site.For all religions.Not just one  --will be direct with you: your words suggest that you are quick to sound the alarm when faced with opposing views, due to your beliefs. Not everyone shares your atheistic views. I have repeatedly expressed my belief in a creator, a God who created humanity out of love and kindness. There may come an unforeseen moment when you will reject this belief. At that time, you might sound the alarm and renounce your previous statements, similar to the characters in Jesus's parables and Judith Discaria, who ultimately denied Christ. It is in this manner that you, too, might react.

A creator has no justification for anger, save maybe directed towards themselves, if the creation they are responsible for didn't achieve what that creator foresaw.


Quotations from some writings from early uninformed folk stating their guesses at reality, is never that convincing.

I think our tenure as lords if creation is coming to an end.  

Global warming will wipe mankind out, and after a suitable period of recuperation for Gaia, another species will claim the crown.

We're doomed whatever we do.

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Fiveleaaved ---- So far you have avoided a direct response to Revelation ch21v1 where the Bible states that a new heaven and a new earth will be created.

Locust ----We can have complete confidence in Jehovah God’s declaration: “For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth.” What is the “new heavens”? What is the “new earth”? When does the creating of these take place?—Luke 1:37; Isa. 65:17. Rvelation 21.4 Indeed, 2 Peter 3:13 mentions awaiting new heavens and a new earth where righteousness dwells, as promised. In a world with numerous so-called gods, it's vital to identify the true ruler of the Kingdom and understand why the fulfillment of His will on earth is inevitable. Recognizing the government of God's kingdom requires knowing the name of the God to whom Jesus prayed—the sovereign Life-giver in heaven, whose name is to be sanctified (Matt. 6:9, 10). The Bible's role as a faith foundation is robustly supported by archaeology, geology, history, and prophecy fulfillment. As stated in The Bible and Archaeology, "The Bible can only benefit from an increase in knowledge." Faith pleasing to God is unattainable without His Word's knowledge, for firm faith is built on accurate knowledge. This is a remarkable transformation! However, we've addressed only three of the four biblical mentions of "new heavens and a new earth." Another reference complements our discussion, bolstering our expectation of God's promise to 'make all things new.' Jehovah's profound love is also apparent as He concentrates on the earth, cleansing it from all sectarian religion and evil, and transforming it into a haven where humans will forever dwell in peace and joy. Whether destined for incorruptibility in the new heavens or eternal life on the new earth, we humbly recognize before Jehovah: "What is mort

"Judith Discaria"?

didn't I already save the earth on page one?


Oh dear............

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fivelease New Heavens and the New Earth.


Locust ...Part 2: I will begin with a parable from the Bible that introduces the model prayer. The second verse goes, matthew 6.9"Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." It is said that a celestial battle took place:

Michael and his angels fought against Satan and his demons, resulting in their expulsion from heaven to earth. This event purified the heavens, heralding a new epoch in the heavenly domain. Similarly, this cleansing is prophesied to extend to Earth with the second coming of Jesus, who will separate the righteous from the wicked, bestowing upon the virtuous everlasting life in a new, idyllic Earth. This momentous occasion will signify the dawn of a new Earth, devoid of Satan and his acolytes, who, according to scripture, will be cast into an abyss, incapacitated from spreading malice for a millennium.

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