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What Is Your Attitude Towards Smoking?

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Nameless14 | 13:14 Fri 29th Mar 2019 | Society & Culture
141 Answers
To me it smells terrible and I try to avoid it and those who do it while they are smoking. I don't do it myself but I'm ok with others doing it, as it's their choice.



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I smoke but I'm really glad about the smoking ban.

I remember as a kid growing up in a pub my eyes watering when I entered the bar. Should have put me off really.
My mum is an ex smoker, she gave up when she was 26, but even now she takes a whiff of second hand smoke. Never tempted her to smoke again though.
As a kid I remember being sent to the shop for both Mum and Dad for cigs... Blimey! both have quit over twenty years ago.
So was I, with a note. Now they are ID'd if they look under 21.
The tobacco companies are *** themselves due to the massive downturn in sales, this is all due to the vape product, the smoker as an alternative, the vaper can still give the nicotine hit without all the other dangerous chemicals that are the killer in cigs. Nicotine on its own is not harmful, that's why the NHS provide nicotine patches if you want them, they also now say that the vaper is 95% safe, so use it if it gets you off cigs. They have been testing this product for the last ten years.
Smoked for 40 years - stopped about 15 years ago, hard to begin with but now I don't even think about it.
I didn't need a note just had to remember 20 Embessy regal king size and 20 benson & hedges... and 10p for going.
We needed a note.

I don't know if it's the same all over Ireland but you have to get a token to use the cigarette machine. Good idea.
The smoking ban is ridiculous - it has just forced all smokers onto the street so now there are goody-goody campaigners wanting to extend the ban to beaches, parks etc etc. The ban was never intended to cover individual hotel rooms so why have virtually all hotels in the UK gone completely non-smoking when x% of adults are smokers? This is discrimination.
Because of health reasons for employees.
No it's not. It's horrible! And I'm a smoker. I don't want to breath in someones second hand smoke.
You should only smoke if your on fire. Revolting disgusting habit. Skin goes sallow, breath reeks as do hair, clothes. Walls and ceilings yellow. Extremely anti-social, ridiculously expensive. A hundred years hence people won’t believe our stupidity.
It doesn't bother me. I have generally been a non-smoker, but with a few bouts of smoking here and there. It is....... enjoyable :-)
diddlydo, it would not have been necessary if you selfish lot put your own house in order. We suffered your disgusting residue and smell up to 2007. The smoking ban was made necessary by smokers.
Quite right to ban smoking from hotel rooms. We rented a cottage that had had smokers in residence and the smell was revolting. We had the windows wide open at every opportunity but the smell was as bad when we left as when we arrived. Lesson learned; I now make sure I book No Smoking accommodation only.
Ark, what did you buy with all your saved 10ps?
Probably spent it on his first house deposit, was only about £5 back then werent it? ;)
In reality he probably got 3 packet of crisps a stick of gum a can of drink and a loaf of bread all for 10p.

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