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English Identity

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Lonnie | 21:37 Sat 22nd Apr 2006 | People & Places
9 Answers

What, in your opinion, makes up the English identity?,

Myself, I think its a love of the country, and being patriotic, not to the extreme, but we must all have our own ideas as to what it is, could be interesting reading, and I purposely kept off the St George topic, otherwise this would have been in H&Ms.



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Hi Lonnie, I think the main thing is our sense of humour, then as you say the countryside,fish & chips,Football,Cricket and being from London ,Pie & mash I also love all the regional accents. & our pubs.

Cheers, Ray


...being from London...!

It's a good job, as a northener, I've a sense of humour, else I might have taken offence!

To add my own: a healthy skepticism. Not of anything in particular, just everything in general. And we know how to brew ale. It's just that nobody has told the big breweries yet. A touching preoccupation with the phrase "more tea, vicar?" I'll be back later, after a few Saturday night snifters! Anyone fancy on while I'm at the bar?

Hello Shammy when I say from London I mean the Pie & mash bit, I wouldn't want to upset me Northern cousins would i now? your reet gradely, aye and mines half of mild!!!

our accents and our sense of humor :)


I wouldn't want to fall out with anyone based on their geography.

In fact, I'll add another trait of English folk:

The most tolerant folk on earth. I'll get on with anyone, regardless of creed, colour or race. And if you don't believe me, I'll kick yer face in!

oh by the way I'm back!
Fair enough, wheres me drink, you old northern git???
Good at queueing and not displaying emotions publicly when in situations like missing a bus/train etc
I think the word you're looking for, Ray, is wazzock. And I drank it while waiting for you. And excellent it was, too, with a decent, northern, creamy head!

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