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Who is the sexiest guy who ever lived?

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Cymbeline | 13:59 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | People & Places
42 Answers
To counter Buddha01...this is a female only thread, purrrlease..


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David Boreanaz or George Clooney. Yum.
Nathan from One Tree Hill....phwoargh...

Andrew Lincoln, Alan Baddel in The Count of Monet Christo (in the sixties), Evil Jared Hasselhoff out of the Bloodhound Gang - body to die for!


My husband..... but if I wasn't married to him then, um, dunno really ..... so my hubby I guess. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl.

OOOOOOOOOO, it's hard one!

But I have to say Johnny depp and Jean Christophe Novelli are drop dead gorgeous! yum yum! Jean Can come and cook in my kitchen anyday!

Aussie cricketer Brett Lee. He can hit me for six anytime!!!!
your'e all wrong!!!!!!!!!!! it's paul walker duhhhhhhhhhhh!
Sexiest man Michael Hutchinson, he exuded sex out of every pore, also Sean Connery and Gorgeous Johnny Depp ooooh Any one got a cold shower?

It really has to be David Boreanaz mmmmmmmmmmmm!!

Dr Kovac from ER and what about a mention for Alan Rickman even if it's just for the voice xxx

James Marsters (Spike from Buffy), closely followed by Will Smith.
im gay and trust me the fittest men around at the moment are, Jesse Metcarfe (desperate housewives)Elijah Wood, Charlie Hunnam and Shayne Ward

Sorry, ill probably get laughed off the thread here, but its got to be Richard Hammond from Top Gear!!!


How can I be wrong??? My husband for me IS the sexiest guy who ever lived!!!! So "ner ner ner ner ner" dodamaksoud!!!!

Vin Diesel!!

Followed by Paul Walker, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, David Beckham (without stupid hair).

Sister likes Darren Gough.

David Beckham, i love a great football player - my fiance looks very similar and kicks just as well! I'm very lucky!
Taye Diggs in how Stella Got Her Groove Back, Noboby was ever sexier than him in the shower scene with Angella Basset
mmmmm, Christopher Eccleston. Esp as Doctor Who......;) ;) Very nice :D
Shayne Ward - Hes so fit - wish he was gay - he could have me anyday!!
Julian McMahon, or second, his 'colleague' in Nip/Tuck, Dylan Walsh, in a cute sort of way.
I'll second Al Pacino and add Jake Gyllenhaal and Adrien Brody.

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