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Water carafe

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shaneystar2 | 18:48 Mon 25th May 2009 | Shopping & Style
25 Answers
Can you still buy those carafe things which had a glass which fits on the top ?
I remember my Mum having something like this years ago for the bedside table .The reason I ask is that it's a good job I put the light for a swig of water because there was a creepy crawly in the glass !


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Oooo get you, going all posh wanting a carafe shaney ;-)

what's up with a glass of water with a book on the top of it like I give Mini Boo?


Did you drink the creepy crawly?
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That's just the sort of thing I was looking for e.crespo..Thank you very much .

Boo ..the way I thrash around of a night nothings safe !
I don't think they would be very pleased at the library with soggy books :)
And no I didn't drink it ..Yuk ! It looked very suspicious xx
A cheap vacuum flask is better. It'll keep your water cool, and won't be spilt if you knock it over.
I just take a plastic bottle of (tap ) water up to bed and a hot water bottle ---just hope I don't get confuddled.
ooh, 'tis a bit posh intit B00? shaney, use a pickle jar & put the lid on :o)
Actually I picked up my glass one night & there was a huge spider in it but it was ok, it hadn't drunk much.
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Never thought of that hc4361. Good idea .Thanks very much .
Although I have to say I prefer water from a glass . I like Pelligrino which is slightly fizzy so thought a carafe would be OK .Our tap water is hard and horrible to drink .
Honestly Robinia, a carafe, have you ever? I think Shaney's trying to get above her station here- she'll be raising her pinky finger when she has a mug of tea next.
she irons her socks ya know! :o)
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Ooh I'm a fussy mare ! I now have visions of naomi getting confused
But I broke it ( by accident ) SO...hence the plastic bottle
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Oooh I say naomi that looks lovely .I am tempted but my butler may veto it ..he gets very jealous of anything that isn't circa 1900 and is fiddly to clean :)
The head butler or the under butler? Any butler worth his salt will buttle what he is told to buttle. Get the horse-whip out and shew ( posh way of saying show) him who is boss.
She did Naomi, but she discovered- to her horror- that the butler quite liked that.

she was utterly shocked and outraged and it took several gins to calm her down. Actually, it's probably gin she wants to keep in that carafe...water, pfft, my foot!
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Haha ..if you could see him loading the dishwasher you would buttle him up the nether regions :) I shove it in and switch it on .
You just shove it in and switch it on !!!!!!!! I am shocked !!!!
Lets have a little finesse please!!!!
cough the gin Naomi, the gin cough, cough
tut...a dishwasher too? What's up with a bowl & a squirt of Sqezy, I ask you?
She shoves the gin in his nether regions??????...what depraved practice is this...?????

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Water carafe

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