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blonde shampoo

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missmoore | 19:07 Fri 13th Oct 2006 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good shampoo that stops blonde hair going brassy and yellow?


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The John Frieda sheer blonde range are great. They are not cheap but at the end of the day you get what you pay for! I use them all the time. They also do lots of different hair treatments as well. Good luck x
I use Pantene Pro v if you go to their website you can try a free sample :o)
I use Toni & Guy Violet colour shampoo. You get it from the salon - not the one in Boots. They'll mix it for you there and then. It isn't cheap (�7 for a small bottle - �13 for large) but it is by far and away the best one i've ever used. It gets rid of all the brassy / yellow tones.
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