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Eggs to rise

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TheOtherHalf | 08:46 Mon 12th Mar 2012 | Shopping & Style
94 Answers
An egg shortage coming, so they are saying on the news this morning. The prices will go up of course. Can we manage without them ? How much do you pay for yours ?

I get my free range from a local farm shop 90p for 6. They are beautiful. Had one for breakfast this morning. I dont eat a lot, but eggs are in so many things, so we probably cant mange without them.


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I sincerely hope you don't have any pets Paul!
Karma will decree that Paul comes back as a chicken whenever......
i have a neighbour who keeps chickens....... £1.70 a dozen, lovely :)
I don't like the idea of chickens in cages....................cats on the other hand..
i will send murph to you crafty, you can explain that to her :-)
There is absolutely no evidence that battery eggs have a lower nutritional value than free range eggs. Free range eggs have a brighter orange/yellow yolk but this can be fixed in battery eggs by feed additives (not an answer).
I believe only we feel happier if we think the birds have had a better life.
Ex-battery hens (like mine) continue to lay for several years when free-ranged and do seem to enjoy life in a more natural environment.
My Warrens would have been slaughtered after a year had I or someone else not taken them in.
No problems fluff.................Casper will explain it to her when he has come back from the hairdressers.
make sure he removes the pretty pink bows first or she might have a fit laughing at him
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Casper is my extremely butch, testosterone packed westie...............who hides behind me when the hairdresser comes to pick him up.
We have 4 battery rescue hens that keep us well supplied with eggs (as well as being fantastic pets) It's been years since we had to buy eggs, I couldn't eben guess at how much eggs would cost to buy in a supermarket. But if we did buy eggs they would only be free range.
Well I just nip out to the henhouse and collect the day's offering from my three very happy, very spoilt, free range ladies.
lol BM Waitrose are bringing my very expensive Columbia Blacktail free range eggs this afternoon..............
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red.................Casper would simply squash Murph.
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and Casper is prettier........
The farm up the road 2 euro/dozen I would pay twice as much but they won't take any more.
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OMG, I saw the first 2 mins of this ( after all the intro) and couldnt watch anymore. It make make feel sick :>(~~~spew

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