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prez idea/help needed

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Surreygirl30 | 10:08 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Gift Ideas
10 Answers
Can anyone think of a small but interesting present to give to someone who has just moved into their first house � I would need to be able to buy it tonight in the shops. Many thanks :-)


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Nope but shopping section under gift ideas should be able to help :-)
id prefer gift vouchers
A cactus or air plant from M&S, if you have just moved into a new house you needs plants in it to make it look/feel homely, but some people are rubbish with plants and watering can be a pain, so get something that requires little or no attention. Always a winner in my book.
Buy one very high quality chef's knife ? (Global, Henckel, Richardson, etc)

If you have a Gadget Shop or similar nearby, you could get a lamp oddity (I've got a flashing skull), or a little aquarium of plastic magnetic fish.
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Thanks for the help and 4getmenot the only reason i put it here is because not many people look at the new sub sections.
Dont worry Surreygirl30, it was news to me that there was even a 'gift ideas' sub section thingy.

Perhaps I should get out and about more?!
I know I was just saying that I couldnt help maybe they could :-) I hate those [edited] subsections too.
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Well I have now decided upon getting a nice garden set (asked the question in the garden section) of where 1 can get a decent one from � I hate shopping lol.
Surreygirl if you can find yourself one of those massive Tescos, they seem to have absolutely everything you can think of .
Probably too late now, but a really good set of hand trowel and fork for weeding will always come in useful.

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