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LoftyLottie | 17:08 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Fashion
996 Answers
How nice she looks in simple dresses which show her good figure. Why does she spoil it all in her wedding outfits.


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OK what is KBO!
Keep Buggering On Neti . a phrase used by Winston Churchill .

Very muggy here still and raining .I've had to take a dizzy pill.
Hope you're all OK especially the Woofies .
Talking about burkas ,there used to be a shop in Tooting that sold all those lovely saris and those trousers and tunic thingies that Indian ladies wear . Shalwar kemeez ?
They sold all this lovely material too.
They all looked so cool in their floaty tunics and trews while we were all sweating cobs .
Yes also in Collier's wood, shaney where my sister was living, guess that's pretty near though. Sutton market sold beautiful Indian material.
have just made a bacon, egg, cheese and onion quiche, to go with jacket pots (that won't pelase him!) and broccoli cheese.

Mr N has been at my tins and the fridge again! All neat and tidy!!
oh yes, there are some stunning sari fabrics...a sari wouldn't be very practical today though, it's a right miz state of affairs out there & hail storms have been mentioned for Derbyshire. At least that might see off the bloomin killer cat that's prowling around this morning.

What's wrong with jacket pots neti? Is he expecting chips? :o)
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Mr LL dislikes jacket potatoes too Neti!! They were separated at birth!!!!
He eats them, but moans about them. He doesn't like chips much either. In fact he doesn't like quiche!!

Just got soaked by a car who drove through a huge puddle whilst I was opening my front gates to drive in. A deluge of water went straight over the top of my parked car and right over my head!!
Snap lottie, Mr N doesn't like quiches either or chips but hey I didn't have a clue what to cook.
I fell off the lilo and a little deluge went on my head, and hair was looking so nice!!
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He he!!
gah, stoopid computer, comes on for 2 minutes then goes black, so I will use one of its lucid intervals to say hello and goodbye. Hopefully Stan the repairman will call back one of these days but I have been waiting since 10am and have had to resort to reading, tidying up etc all day
Hi jno, yes my lappy is playing up no end, and makes me spell* funny and some old biddies like to point it out. (*No, not smell funny!)

The quiche (which real men don't eat!) and broc cheese and baked pot went down OK. I've had another swim and back on bed watching dvds.
Just a special hello to woofy and Mr woofy, hope things are going Ok for you both xxxx
hello all. Have held off posting today so as not to jinx things, also have spent a lot of it asleep. DH has had his transfusion and he texted me that all has gone well and he is on his way home (patient transport as he was too weary to drive there). Yesterday he ate and drank small amounts and kept it all down, ditto, he tells me, today and he has slept well two nights running. Whisper it very very quietly but I think the worst of the side effects may be over touching wood....not going to go into gross details but i was never in my life so grateful for a washing machine and tumble dryer.
evenin all...
I'll whisper too if you like woofy...well done mr w! Hope it's onwards and upwards. There's nowt glamorous about illness, never seen a film, tv drama or documentary for that matter that's ever told the truth, whole truth...

Hope Stan the Man gets you sorted soon jno, we can't have you tidying that poshe kitchen or you'll be slip sliding on the floor...far better to stick firmly to it like I do.

Well weatherwise it's been washout, hopefully the garden & blackbirds appreciated it but I've done plenty of nothing much.
Ahh Bless you Woofy. I think you're a lovely lady coping so well. I hope like you say the worst of the side effects is over and that you both have a good night.
It's a bit cooler here now we've had some rain. Me and my sister had a great walk in it to our Aunt and Uncle's. We got the bus to town then walked to their house and back and it was raining all the time but more drizzly than a heavy down pour.
I've only just had my dinner. A right mix up, Brunswick ham, New potatoes with garlic butter on and mixed veg left over from yesterday with grated cheese on top.
I just fancy something sweet now. I think I'll have a coffee with a Baileys in. What do you reckon? !!
Laters 'gater(s)
I've had a choc ice on a stick, they are very morish!!
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Whispers......................... keeping fingers crossed Woofy, that all continues well for Mr W. Sounds good. xxx

Hope Stan the Man turns up soon jno. Too much tidying up is just not good for you!!

Hasn't stopped raining all day. I have more or less sorted out the pile of paperwork in the glory hole and found some things I lost six months ago.

Off to hospital again tomorrow. Hernia this time. Mr LL is having the day off and is taking me.

Love to all of you.

Sleep well (especially Mr W) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Perhaps you can send Stan round here when you've finished with him Jno.
This rattletrap machine of mine is on the blink too.I have eggtimers and silly little boxes popping up all over the place .It's chugging along at a snails pace and driving me bats .I'll have to wait for Picky who will roll his eyes,groan and ask me what I've been fiddling with :)
Pleased to hear Mr.Woofy is at last feeling better and hope things are more on an even keel for you both .and that he continues to improve.
Goodnight all.Sleep tight .Over and out for now .
Probably more out than over at this rate :)
Morning all

Oh Lottie, you have a hernia, that's not nice poor you!
For Dolly and Eric


Happy 61st Wedding Anniversary xxxx

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