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How many weeks.

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Shakeypete | 12:05 Thu 03rd Jul 2008 | Seasonal
21 Answers
How many weeks are there from 16 July 2008 to 5 April 2009


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It's more than 10 - i'm sure of that, and less than 52.I've got a calendar in my kitchen, but that's too far away. There's a calendar on my mobile too, but that's charging at the moment in the next room.
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37. Surely if you have access onto here you have access to a calender
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maybe he's too shaky to flip through the calender
I see you are green, don�t tell me you googled it then found AB then had to register to find it out???
I'm green too - but I didn't register just to answer this question!
y-cymro its called tongue in cheek
trust me - my tongue is always firmly in my cheek! how many of us have actually now worked out the answer to this question, and who's going to be the first to crack and post it! :-)
I already put it :-)
I had to ask jeeves though lol
I hadn't even noticed the answer! I had 37.4 (but thats being really pedantic), I cant believe people ask questions like that on here... and cant believe I actually went and bloody counted! hehe
ah but then technically the .4 is not a week, its something like 37 weeks and 2 days isnt it? :-)
true, but the question was vague, and didn't specify "complete weeks" - I really need to go out and get a job, or make some friends!!! though it can be quite fun here!
maybe its a trick question
I'm worried that we haven't heard from Shakeypete.
Has he got the answer?
Is he happy with it?
Were we supposed to include Bank Holidays?
What about Thursdays?

I hope he's ok
maybe its how many weeks he has to live
shame its not a leap year
Question Author
Hi everyone .Some time ago in another life I asked a question about a problem with my computer and got not one answer.Last night I could not sleep and was thinking about this problem of how many weeks,It was'nt megga important and so got to thinking I will post it on answerbank
just to see what would happen. WOW you knocked me out
18 answers and so funny .You've been a tonic.
Many thanks. Pete
you're welcome me old mucker :-)

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