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Alternative Christmas Dinner .............

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echokilo | 18:22 Tue 09th Oct 2012 | Christmas
78 Answers
What would be on your ideal menu? No turkey allowed!!


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Garlic mushrooms
Lamb shank with dauphinoise pots and green beans
Choc fondants and vanilla ice cream


Won ton soup
Thai curry of some sort
Choc fondant with ice cream (again)
18:49 Tue 09th Oct 2012
easy to make sibs!

This grape sorbet recipe can be made with green grapes or red grapes.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
1 cup = 8oz or 225 ml

Total Time: 5 minutes


4 cups chilled grapes (any variety)
1/3 cup granulated sugar
2/3 champagne
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Process the grapes and sugar in a food processor or blender for 2 to 3 minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the grape skins are pulverized. Press the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve and discard the solids. Stir the grape puree with the champagne and lemon juice and freeze the mixture in an ice-cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions, or the freeze and fork method
DT can you seat another 30 people please and I'll bring my family along?? lol
Starter: Chestnut Soup & warm roll
Main: Salmon en Croute, french beans, cauliflower, baby pots
Dessert: Crepe Suzette
Beetroot cured trout or salmon with horseradish creme fraiche

Venison Wellington
Kale with cream & port
Roast parsnip & celeriac
Boulangere potatoes

Not sure about pud......
Copied and saved, thanks DT x
Who has a hotel - 14 from Arksided and 30 from you Voddie.....will need a sous chef too!
Think I might suggest my alternative menu to my mum this year, Echokilo :o)
DT, better to be prepared .. don't you think ;-)
Technically it's for Thanksgiving but it equally applies to Christmas - for the turkey lovers

Great to see alternatives to turkey, I find it dry, bland and overpriced
Prawns in marie rose sauce with wheaten bread
duck filled rolls
Salmon with baby boiled potatoes and broad beans and other vegetable selection
Homemade Sherry Trifle
Mary-T - have you tried a turkey crown? They are very juicy and there is no waste (and you can fit it in the fridge which is always a problem with a whole turkey)?
ok, home made tomato soup with some decent bread
sausage and mash as said
raspberry jelly and ice cream, no frills, just fun and lots to eat

to start with a crate of decent beer this is for all, then i will start mixing
the cocktails, bloody mary's all round.
It depends how it's prepared Mary. Ours is never dry. I love it.
(I love turkey - as long as it is cooked properly and, most importantly of all, left to rest for 30-45 mins under a clean teatowel or two, alu foil over the breast - to get the juices back into the meat of the breast........dry turkey - yeuck.)
most overrated bird since Jordan.
I've never eaten Jordan....

(and wouldn't want to, either)
Ewwwww, now THAT is a dry bird!
i know.
sherrardk, haven't had a turkey crown but might try it this year as you say it fits in the fridge and thats a bonus,although a butcher told me that the turkey without the legs is usually drier than the whole turkey.
Mary-T - I had to convince my husband to have a crown rather that a whole bird and even he says it is better. The leftovers can be put in the fridge, rather than getting in the way before you finally sling it out. I buy a large crown (for 10 - 12 people) and even I eat it cold on the following days (not a big fan of leftover meat).

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