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Fao Theprof

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society | 00:26 Fri 31st Dec 2010 | Science
31 Answers
Where do worms come from, or how do they appear in fruits? Do they just form from the overripe fruit flesh?

I've always wondered about this and would appreciate responses from anyone. Thanks


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Worms don`t appear in fruit. Maggots will appear in fruit when a fly lays it`s eggs there.
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They come from various flies like fruit flies, green fly etc.
They say 'time flies like an arrow'.

Well, 'fruit flies like a banana'.

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This is a serious question.

I always have lots of fruits around and they are never exposed to flies or other insects. Sometimes when I cut open the overripe ones they have worms in them. I find it more prevalent in guavas, papaya, plums etc.

I find these fruit-worms mostly in the summer time though.
They`re not worms, they`re maggots
So you think that a living creature can spontaneously appear inside fruit? Did you never go to any biology lessons?
If you find worms in fruit then the fly or flies may well have laid their eggs prior to being picked. The larvae would then have eaten its way through the fruit by the time it got to you fruit bowl. They are very tiny at that stage so you no one can see them.

Just talking about worms makes me feel sick!
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Ok maggots then, but where do they come from, inside the fruits? The guava worms are usually fat and white, like those found in rice.
Worms in rice!

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Yep, I've seen worms in white rice!
Insects can burrow a long way into fruits/vegetables. I bought some birds eye chillis from the supermarket and when I cut one of them open, tiny maggots crawled out. Birds eye chillis are extremely hot but that obviously didn`t deter the bug from laying it`s eggs there. If you`ve ever picked blackberries in the autumn and looked underneath where the stem joins the fruit you`ll see how flies etc can get into the most impossible places to lay their eggs.
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237SJ, hot pepper is another one I've seen worms in. Where do worms come from in a closed jar of pepper sauce or a whole pepper? Haven't you ever cut open a hot pepper and found the seeded area very dark, almost rotting, and a worm crawling?
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Tell me 'bout blackberries....

I went foraging for them in the bushes. Tasted one and it was so sweet I greedily wolfed some down. While washing them I noticed the stem areas white. Upon closely looking, worms lined the stem areas.
I hope you had a good time foraging in the bushes. Do you wear a straw hat, smock and have a piece of straw between your teeth?
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The area where I pick blackberries is abundant with blackberries for miles, and it's in the forest.
Where do you buy your fruit society? I think I'd change my shop.Evidently they are not very fresh, Sometimes the flies which can be minute lay their eggs in the fruit while its in blossom then as the fruit around them grows the egg hatches and then feeds on the fruit hense when you cut it open you see nice fat maggots.
This happens a lot in organic fruit because they don't use insecticides on their trees.

They give you extra protein, or something.......I think.

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