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yorkshire post life & style 1090 Wednesday October 13th 2010

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jonty23 | 10:44 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Hi, I am really struggling today, mainly I think because I have a wrong answer to 2)down-similar to a New York object with great vigour (4,8) L?K?/a???????. I thought it was LIKE ACTIVITY but if it is, I cannot get others to fit.. The answer to 14)down would also be of great help Does it move in high circles? (7) ??????R. All answers and explanations will be much appreciated, Jonty.


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2d like a ny thing
10:51 Wed 13th Oct 2010
2d like a ny thing
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Hi, I guessed I was wrong. That is the corrrect answer. many thanks. Jonty
14d Chopper?

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yorkshire post life & style 1090 Wednesday October 13th 2010

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