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Traveller magazine Sumer 2009

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tikkit | 12:23 Fri 28th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
1. Spanish word in place names, meaning a long jagged mountain range (6)

_ I _ R _ A

2. Area of water joined to the Atlantic by North Channel and St Georges chnnel (5,3)

R _ I _ H / _ E _


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1. Sierra
2. Irish Sea
Question Author
Thanks for those, vegasmad.
I must have something else wrong, as the reason I had the answer to the Atlantic question starting with an "R" is as the answer to "poetic name for Ireland, I had "Eire"
Do yo have any ideas?
could be erin.
Question Author
Thanks for that, grasscrop and wallacia.
Of course it is, what a silly-billy I am!

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Traveller magazine Sumer 2009

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