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dt cryptic Wed May 13

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Annieme | 16:04 Wed 13th May 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
12a 4 letters, -i-e Regular supporter of Boris Johnson?

There are over 100 combinations of letters and I can't find one to fit. Wife, maybe?

Thanks in advance


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Bike ? ........................ Dust off your old bike, urges Boris Johnson, Mayor. Google Boris Johnson bike !
Bias- not your exact letters + never attempted this paper crossword today as never purchase this paper except at the weekend or on Monday ,so it's just an educated guess?
<font size="3">
<p><font face="petitscript"><font color="#003390">Wife ?</font></font></p></font>
Wife ?
Bike is right. Trust Beatrice to assume you have an answer wrong, Annieme!
Catron is 100% correct BIKE is the answer
Question Author
Many thanks to you all. Of course! I'll turn to you again when the brain fails.
Annieme- Was not doubting your other answers to be not correct, not at all, just could not fathom the answer from that selection so made an educated guess that happened on this occassion to not be right yet did say it was a guess. Pleased you received your correct answer as Bike. Pleased to say Teacher1- a lovely poster provided the 1st correct answer, too! Brilliant to be 100% correct yet even better to be 100% correct + have a good heart. Do answer many posters with correct answers. Occassionaly am not right yet thank heavens am never catty + if not sure always say so anyhow. Annieme- good luck with the rest of your puzzles + hope you have a good day today. Warm wishes, Bea :-)
Of course you were doubting Annieme's answers Beatrice! How can you lie and pretend otherwise? Just because you could not see an answer that fitted the pattern given by Annieme, does not mean that there was not one and that you had to guess an answer that was completely irrelevant to the clue.

Why do you continue to guess answers when there are others who will give the correct answer? Leave educated guesses for those who are more likely to be right than you are!

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dt cryptic Wed May 13

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