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Rainbow Quiz answers from AB

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chakka35 | 18:40 Tue 21st Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
56 Answers
This subject comes up, sometimes heatedly, on individual threads here, so I thought I'd start a general discussion so that people can get their views off their chests.

I'll start: I have been doing this Rainbow Quiz for fifteen years, having started with No.3. And I never look at posts on the subject until I have completed the Quiz on my own. That is not being pious � it's just so much more fun that way.

Which brings me to my question � a question, not a challenge - : what satisfaction do people get in completing the Quiz when they have got some of their answers from others? The frisson one gets when seeing one's name in the 100-per-centers is small and short-lived, but genuine. Do the people who've used others' brains get the same tiny thrill?

The idea that it is done for charity is a red-herring: you can send in the same size of cheque however few you have done.

Here's a mischievous idea. How about those who have been helped, when sending in their entry forms, include the AB names of their helpers. That'd be fun.

Anyway, that's my six-penn'orth. Over to you.


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If someone chose to do that, then I wuld be happy to help. Although it makes it easier to break them down into groups of ten or so.

This guy did that and got answers. No-one seemed to mind, apart from yourself in the top link. n736399.html n736362.html n736332.html
They join the site to get easy answers - why bother thinking at all when someone can do it all for you!

There are some people who have been on here from early on when the concept of a helpful question and answer site was a really got idea.

Unfortunately it has now been effectively hijacked by the "lazies and the crazies" whose almost pathological need to finish every single quiz (no matter what) has clouded their judgement and marred the site altogether.

But why do people like yourself join just to berate the question askers on a Q&A site is what I mean?

If you don't like it then stay away.
Perhaps we are trying to prevent all good quizzes from "going down the Swannee" caused by all the answers being given on this site (and others).

Something I am sure you either do not appreciate or are deliberately trying to achieve - i am not sure which!
Okay, so the Q&A exchanges irk some of you. DON'T LOOK!

I think you should ask yourselves why is it that the Rainbow puzzles are so successful? How have they raised SO MUCH money for worthy charities - something like ten times the minimum entry fee, on average? Answer: because they are very good, very entertaining, very challenging; because we all get a kick out of doing them - otherwise we'd just put it in the bin, as I saw one miserable contributor suggest, or simply send in a donation.

The success is in the tease, that we are driven mad to answer these clever clues - by our wits if possible, or by research, or by exchange with fellow puzzlers - of thoughts or suspicions, of ideas and clues, or of answers. Does it matter whether this happens in family groups, over a beer or two in the pub, or by correspondence? Surely not?

The WHOLE point is that we enjoy these puzzles - each in our own way perhaps - and we think they are worthwhile. We send in our donations and get the results and poems etc... back, with funny anecdotes about red herrings and blind alleys, transcription errors and mis-spellings. We become part of the Rainbow Puzzles family. We feel good about it and we derive pleasure from it.

Evidently some people derive pleasure from carping criticism, or parading their apparent intellectual superiority over the rest of us mere mortals. Well, good for them. I'll carry on as I am, thank you very much. I'm neither proud nor ashamed of using this site. I am very grateful for the assistance given by people who are either smarter or more resourceful than I am, and who evidently have much more time than I do.

And when the Rainbow quiz packs in because the quizsetter is fed up with all his/her hard work being undermined in minutes on sites like these?

Who will we "carp to" then?
Wow my own stalker are you squarebear lol

You missed one of their posts where someone else said are you asking all of them and they said NO so once again you are singling me out but if it gives you pleasure you carry on
No not at all but as the guy had posted about half a dozen of these threads, I didn't feel the need to post them all to get my point across.

No-one (apart from a few) mind how many or how often questions are posted.

Well said BlackBull. Luckily, it's just a very small minority who wish to spoil this site for others. There's nothing worse than being stuck on a clue that you've searched for, and looked up to still not know the answer. This site is invaluable for just such a resource.

If people use it just to fill in their quiz sheet then that's up to them. As long as the charity gets its �1, that's all that matters.
Most of us probably wouldn't have visited the Adverts section, squarebear!
I've certainly cut down on quizzes and crosswords since the unscrupulous began cheating. More time for outdoor pursuits. It IS the Charities losing out.
Also, I bet you're asking away under your other screen name, as you're entitled to, but we never see squarebear asking!!
QuizmasterG, So long as they keep getting record entries and raising spectacular amounts of cash for good causes, they won't, and you needn't!
Tallulah, your paranoia will be the ruin of you. I have no other screen name.

Great to hear the Rainbow will continue with success.

I only carp out of concern and it annoys squarebear.
And the more he carps, the more I answer. :-)
And we are supposed to take your arguments seriously after such a juvenile and petulant comment?

p.s. you forgot to add "so there!" - again!
To be honest, I don't really care.

If people ask questions, then I will try to answer them, as per the intentions of this ANSWERbank website.
The " I don't really care" bit sums everything up really!
squarebear, you could take up a hobby and you'd have a lot of spare time for it if you didn't live on AB. You say you like to answer questions. Why not enter quizzes yourself? You might change your attitude then.
It isn't a very nice to spoil quizzes for other people, is it? The AB rules count for nothing but when the Quiz Setter asks his entrants not to cheat I expect them to 'obey'.
Then please email the Ed and ask for the site to be closed down or the rules changed to only questions approved by the answerbank police can be asked.
Tallulah! - you'll never get any common sense from squarebear. His aim is clearly to destroy as many quizzes as possible - and all under the excuse of "ask any questions, etc, etc.". I've lost count of the number of times I've asked him (politely) to respect quiz setters requests and not pander to the lazy cheats who just ask for answers on here without doing any work themselves.

Once again, I'll join with "chakka35" from the original thread and ask "what satisfaction does anyone get from getting someone else to answer a question for them?" What's the point, apart from sheer desperation to complete all the answers by whatever means - cheating - and all for such small sums of money that are clearly not life changing. And contrary to popular belief, a complete answer sheet does not generate any more income for the charity.

If you can't complete a quiz under your own means, send it in with guesses or blanks, I can promise you it's painless and immensely satisfying to know that it's all your own work, whether it's right or wrong.
Ah I wondered how long it would be before you arrived. All we need know is sprinter53 and the policeman's ball is complete.

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