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twirlgirl | 20:51 Tue 04th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
help! 1) 1234567899999 2) preist 3)elep(mixed peel?)


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Hi Twirly

1 all dressed up to the nines
2 corrupt priest
3 mixed peel (as you said)

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44 is my lucky number
Mine too - it's one of my Lotto numbers, and the year of my birth. Wasn't it you that said you were born in 1955?

Look at this to see how ridiculouusly seriously some people take things !!! the-nines.html
2) clerical error
Hey - I never thought of that!
"2 Could be stripe pattern
Question Author
big dave its one of my lottery numbers too and the number of my house and first numbers of my phone number! thanks for your help, some people def take things very seriously, not me though, i just like to laugh!
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thanks to all for answers, some good ones, just have to decide which to use!

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