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Times 23970

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thumbscrew | 13:05 Sat 19th Jul 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
2dn. On English lake rings start to grace surface again.(2-6) R-E-E--E I think it must be re- emerge but I can't see why.


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Yes..Re e mer(g)e
R (first letter of rings) E (English) MERE (lake) containing G (first letter of Grace)

I'm only guessing! but sounds good!
Question Author
still don't see it.
RE (on) + E (English) + G (first letter of grace) in MERE (lake)
On= Re
start to grace=g, ringing (surrounding) mere
Re-emerge= surface again
Question Author
thanks all

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Times 23970

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