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paperback | 23:47 Fri 20th Jan 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
what is atkienbolagetgasackumalator


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It's been answered before, It's an AGA cooker.

thought it was a distant star in the beetlejuice quadrant lmao white dwarf

It depends whether the setter is being extremely devious or has made a mistake.

Everyone who has asked the question (which must have been about half a dozen) has misspelt the word - so presumably the setter did too. If he did it deliberately, then the answer is that there is no such word. If it's a mistake - then AGA it is.

Just for interest, see also: Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget = SAAB, and AB Volvo...
tuff titty on this one wankell rotary systems had a far better look out

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