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G.p. Quiz

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irismay | 23:10 Mon 09th Aug 2021 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
G P Quiz
Stuck with an answer for Sensationalistic Journalism. Hoping someone can help. Thought the P could be Publishing, but have no idea bout the G. Anyone have any ideas?


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Gutter Press
Question Author
Thank you very much MamyaLynne. Most grateful.
Any chance you can help with these last 2 link word questions?
Catch-Road-Harness and Guide-Foreign-Agency. If so, that would be another quiz done and dusted!
letter count?
2nd one Travel
^1 Safety
1st Safety
Question Author
No clues about the amount of letters.
Good luck with your quizzes.
Question Author
Thank you so much Mamyalynne and Calibax. Makes all the difference when one has a brain. Another quiz bites the dust and I can rest in peace when I do get to bed. Cheers!
Night Iris x

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