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Link And Notts Air Ambulance 31/10

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bows13 | 21:45 Tue 27th Aug 2019 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
23 very cold missing an I
12 can any one give a clue of first letter for anagram number 12 dappger. I have searched many sites for this one.


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Is there a theme to the answers please?
Question Author
Sorry. Army tanks
Theme is army tanks.
I have an answer for 12 beginning with g but think the letters are incorrect.
23 pershing.......perishing
I also found one beginning with g but only 1 p
I think there is a p too many,well that is what I have put
May be worth checking with the setter whether a correction has been issued
Question Author
Thanks all I had found one with a g as well but one letter short

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Link And Notts Air Ambulance 31/10

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