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For Attntion Of Amrgo Tester

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murraymints | 10:57 Thu 16th Nov 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
still wondering who the friend was ?


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I think your spelling may be a touch out, Minty.
Retrocop, by the look of it xx
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ha ha ... lappie is all awry.. Ps ,,see you in the cupboard 1
I hope that was to Donny :-)
Good morning Minty xx. Pixie has it,
Yes I'll see you in the cupboard but if your laptop is u/s then whatever shall we have to do ?
careful, chatting about banned posters is frowned upon.
Must admit I was thinking about a different banned poster lol

Poor Donny, Minty AND Pix in the cupboard !
good grief!!
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h I pix
I scanned through gmeb albs- it was just a message to say hi xx
Hi minty :-). Worth using your kindle instead? Xx
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Pixie will be unable to enter the cupboard without the combination and so long as no one has told her that it is "sesame" we are safe.
Pix xx (Hi!!)
you're a better Miss Marple than me, I was one letter out, starting with S lol
(not, not sesame either!)

Minty, more sweary words needed :-D
Sesame! Possibly albs...! (Hi :-)) xx

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