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Chocolate Quiz

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Marymoo61 | 22:59 Tue 14th Jan 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
I am stuck on one clue - it regularly takes root here - four letters.
Anyone got any ideas? Has to be a chocolate covered goodie.


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it regularly tAkEs RoOt. (AERO)
23:02 Tue 14th Jan 2014
it regularly tAkEs RoOt. (AERO)
Is there still time for me to send for a copy of this quiz sheet please? It looks good. If so could you please give me the address to send to and details of who to make the cheque out to. Many thanks x
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Thank you!
Question Author
This quiz was compiled by the warwickshire Federation of The Women's Institute so you would need to contact them as I am unsure about copyright. If you google them you will find their contact details.

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Chocolate Quiz

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